Just to be clear…..ISIS has started operations in Afghanistan, - TopicsExpress


Just to be clear…..ISIS has started operations in Afghanistan, recruiting and setting up a base of operations there. This is a critical new issue as it starts operations on new territory. This has been acknowledged by the US Command. Not the White House. Iran is behind the takeover of Yemen. And to report the current facts: Muslim protests: A number of Muslim nations experienced significant protests against France and particularly against the latest cover of Charlie Hebdo magazine. Almost all leaders of Muslim states denounced the magazine. In Niger, a total of ten people died in protests on Friday and Saturday in at least four major cities. Over 3000 people protested in Algiers. Several thousand protested in Jordan. Thousands marched in Karachi where four people were injured. Protests also occurred in Senegal, Mauritania and the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. Comment: Except for Pakistan, the most violent demonstrations occurred in former French colonies in Africa. Cameroon: On 18 January, Boko Haram fighters from Nigeria kidnapped up to 80 women and children from two villages near Tourou, officials said. They also burned houses. Comment: The Boko Haram campaign against Cameroon apparently has begun. Chad-Cameroon: On 16 January, Cameroon President Paul Biya announced that Chad will send a large contingent of troops to help it fight incursions by Boko Haram. Chad will deploy an important contingent of soldiers to Cameroon to fulfill a promise made Thursday to actively support its neighbor in the fight against. Boko Haram. Comment: The Chadians should prove helpful. They have fought in multiple actions against Islamist forces, including in Mali against al-Qaida in the Islamic Maghreb. Assuming they have French and US support, they should make a difference in northern Cameroon. Nigeria: A suicide bomber killed four people and injured 40 others at a bus station in Potiskum. He drove a car into the station on the outskirts of the town and detonated it. Comment: Nigerian commentators said that a week ago on Sunday, two female suicide bombers detonated themselves at a market inPotiskum. That attack killed four and injured 40 people. Potiskum is a cattle town and the largest city in Yobe State, which is adjacent to Borno State, whose capital in Maiduguri. Potiskum has experienced few attacks in the last three years. The last significant attacks occurred in November. Those also were suicide bombings. No Boko Haram kidnapping raids or killing sprees have been reported. The interval between the attacks suggests the local Boko Haram chapter is still developing. Libya: Libyas internationally recognized government in Tobruk declared a cease-fire in advance of UN-brokered peace talks set to resume in Geneva next week. Comment: The Tripoli-based regime already announced a truce. Fighting continues because neither side can control the various factional and tribal forces that are engaged. Moreover, not all the relevant factions sent representatives to the recent talks. Libya is beyond repair as a state, but there is a slight chance that the killing can be reduced.
Posted on: Tue, 20 Jan 2015 22:39:16 +0000

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