Just to be clear, this is a site devoted to preserving Westover - TopicsExpress


Just to be clear, this is a site devoted to preserving Westover and saving the Reed fields. Yet the discussion seems to be getting repeatedly hijacked by people focused primarily on keeping HB where it is. That irritates me, and since Chuck Kleymeyer insists on re-posting his views on this issue, I think I need to re-post the response I made to this same argument several days ago. It is perfectly reasonable for those of us focused on maintaining Reed as it is and/or preserving it for possible future use as an elementary school to be making all available arguments to that end. Many of us have been vocal in arguing that H-B should stay where it is, and a neighborhood middle school should be built at Wilson. But it has become increasingly clear that at least two (and likely three) school board members do not support that option. Lander twice tried to take the W option off the table at the Tuesday work session and tried to do so again at the SB meeting. Only Nancy Van Dorens reasonable insistence on getting cost estimates before eliminating options has kept that option alive -- but its on life support at best. So its pretty clear that H-B is moving, and the only question is where. Theres a much stronger case for moving H-B to Wilson than to Reed, which we need to be making now. And repeated calls by people focused primarily on HBs interests for us to hold our tongues on this issue are not legitimate. Those arguments do not hurt our Save Reed cause. They advance that cause by suggesting an outcome that appears to be politically viable. And the continued threat by Chuck Kleymeyer that this will cause HB folks to lobby hard to go to Reed not Wilson just underscores how the strategy proposed by some HB folks doesnt really align with the save Reed goal this site is devoted to.
Posted on: Sat, 25 Oct 2014 16:48:05 +0000

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