Just to lighten things up a bit... There was once a Raja who - TopicsExpress


Just to lighten things up a bit... There was once a Raja who had a very beaaaaauuutiful princess. And when she was of age, he wanted to choose a suitor for his daughter, and only the bravest, strongest, most powerful man in his land could marry her. The problem was, he didnt know who this person is. He consulted with his advisors, and they came up with a plan. To dig a big hole in front of the palace, fill the hole with the most poisonous snakes and spiders they could find, and the man that could go down into the hole and come out alive, gets his daughters hand in marriage. They did just that, and the big day came. By morning, hundreds of the strongest, most buffed, most powerful men in his land lined up to have a go. The biggest man, a 7-footer, chunky as hell, went in, fought the snakes for 2 minutes, and died. The crowd went sighhhhh..... They waited for another. Later, a man came down from the mountains, big, scary-looking, with chains and items of sorcery around him, went into the hole. 10 minutes into the fight against the poisonous creatures, he succumbed to their venom and died. Many that went in after him, too, met their tragic deaths. By dusk, the Raja was about to tutup kedai, thinking no ones good enough for his daughter, when out of nowhere.... .... a skinny man amongst the crowd raced into the hole, and in a split-second, came out at the other end, alive, unscathed! Its a miracle! The Raja summoned him up to his verandah, and he went up, sweaty, looking rather nervous... The Raja said outloud, Wahai saudara, syukur dan tahniah! Kamu layak mengahwini anak puteri saya. Beta akan kahwinkan kamu berdua sekarang juga! He then asked the man ada apa-apa permintaan lain yang beta boleh tunaikan? Cakap sajalah. The man nodded, turned to the crowd, panting,wheezing, in shock and all, told the Raja: Saya nak tahu p*kimak mana yang tolak saya tadi....
Posted on: Thu, 09 Oct 2014 05:36:13 +0000

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