( Just wanderers) Remember when you were young and the Morning sun - TopicsExpress


( Just wanderers) Remember when you were young and the Morning sun tapped you on the shoulder and woke you up. Then when you went outside and the smell of someone cutting their lawn just said fresh air to your brain so you took a deeper breath and you were on your way. I mean gone for the entire day with no plans in mind just friends to see and hang out with. Mrs. Suttons cooking Barbeque and I can smell it I think Ill hang around here until its done or Mondels making PBJ Sandwichs with milk that will hold me over until the Barbeque is ready lol. We all made our day as we went wandering along the streets of Oberlin like Hobos from house to house but never really knew what the day would bring but who cared. I can remember as I became older and older I was gone from home longer and longer. my parents knew I was within a phone call away because they Knew all my friends. That didnt really matter anyhow because all they had to do was drive the streets and you could see everyones kids outside playing unlike now. Its so unbelievable how you can drive around on a nice summer day now and where are the kids you ask yourself. I mean its as if the Child Catcher from the Movie Chitty Chitty Bang Bang rounded them all up. I can remember my father Taking me out into the Country just so I could learn to drive at age 11, and by 12, I could drive a stick shift. The Country was our sight seeing village when you wanted to get away from it all just for a day. Mom and Dad with me and the dog in the back seat and everyone had ice cream even the dog, did they have to leave all the windows down even if we were going slow. I had to eat my ice cream a hundred miles per hour it was melting so fast while dodging the dogs slobber that was blowing around wasnt fair either. That was when family time was quality time even though you said little you learned a lot by just listening. The fun part was racing to the car when you were young trying to beat your brother or sister to the hump now called the armrest lol. Remember sitting on that baby where the view was like King Kong on top of Gibsons Bakery got cha! lol. it was nice if the car had two but most of our cars only had them in the rear and you had to get there first. I always wondered why my sisters just stopped fighting for hump real sudden like but maybe it was because I was to fast for them. I found out the hard way that dad was getting older and liked the brake pedal to much and hit it way to fast causing little Chucky to grow wings ending up front a few times. You see it wasnt only us who were wanderers the Country road trips were dads way of saying lets all take a drive and get lost as a Family and then try and find our way home before running out of gas. Dad always played as if he knew where he was as he tried to describe the area but the gas needle was telling us to return home you ate your gas money up in ice cream. You know your lost when everyone starts falling asleep and Dad is still making all kinds of turns and we are now pulling in and out of peoples driveways changing directions. This was more of an Adventure so just wave to the people and say its ok we are just Wanderers.
Posted on: Thu, 01 Jan 2015 16:42:13 +0000

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