Just want to remind everyone that not all Amnesty eligible Illegal - TopicsExpress


Just want to remind everyone that not all Amnesty eligible Illegal aliens are friendly . This is not a single story but an example of many easily found stories in the news every day ! Not all Illegal aliens are bad people but , there is a percentage that are . I am not saying we should stop all immigration . I am saying that all should be registered before any amnesty is offered . They should provide proof of Identification as all American citizens are expected to . They should carry a U.S. photo I.D. with picture and fingerprints and have a dna sample taken . If they have been working here provide proof of tax payments and Proof of residence . Then and only then they could start to the path of citizenship . If an individual chooses not to follow these rules they should be deported to their home country and all assets illegal obtained in the U.S. seized . If they return they should be imprisoned and made to work until they pay for their own deportation . I know its hard core but there is a serious crime problem caused by this never ending wave of people that illegally come here . Over and over these same people commit crimes because there is little or no consequences . Though they are thought to be a small percentage of the illegal population there is currently is no way to tell . Many have numerous identities and we have no Idea how many are here . We need a way to identify , investigate , and weed out the criminals before we offer them anything . This should go for illegals from all countries from Canada to Iraq from Mexico to Peru . We do not owe anyone the right to victimize American citizens ! We do not owe Anyone not from the U.S. any access to American social welfare programs ! We offer great opportunities and should have our laws respected .
Posted on: Wed, 31 Jul 2013 02:12:28 +0000

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