Just wanted to bring to light something that concerns me a lot - TopicsExpress


Just wanted to bring to light something that concerns me a lot about the myriad of programs out there who claim to offer people/animals etc a better life or similar. Whilst I would like to believe that many organisations mean well to begin with (such as the one below - Heifer International), I also believe that original intentions sometimes tend to get lost somewhere along the way during the process…..often due to either inexperience or worse still, greed and perhaps even extrinsic motivation. Am not saying that this organisation, as aforementioned, falls into this category; as I do not know how they operate or whether they address such issues (I have asked them however and am awaiting a response as a result. I believe they - and others - deserve the chance to refute the claims in an article I am about to present). Before you give to ANY organisation, please do your research and KNOW (for a fact) where every cent is going before you hand it over. Is your money in fact helping a cause or is it simply feeding/fueling a problem…one that could have disastrous long-term consequences. Know what the implications are, do not believe in everything you read, and without meaning to step on any toes or ruffle any feathers, please do not simply follow your friends or family because they say it is a good thing……they may also have been misinformed, despite meaning well and believe the good that would come with such a concept; just as most would. It pays to form your own educated decisions. This is one such cause I thought was originally a great idea (this isnt the only organisation that offers such a concept; there are quite a few of them), but my gut instinct as always, told me to look into it a bit further and to investigate (for most of you who know me, youll know I do this with most things anyway, lol!). All I am finding are the side-effects of such ventures and not one of these organisations to date, has been able to refute the claims, respond properly or give evidence against the argument that this cause is doing more harm than good. I would like to think that most people mean well and that such organisations can respond professionally and accordingly; hence my disappointment. In the case of Heifer International, I hope to see a willingness to present a strong case; their side of the argument with facts, proof of research, stats/facts/findings (as presented in the article for the opposing side) and therefore prove the article and others like it, to be wrong in their particular case at least (as clearly the others have fallen short in delivering substantial evidence in their favour). Let the debate begin! When setting up such an organisation, one also needs to think about the repercussions that could befold the entire recipient community as a result - is there an effective measure in place to monitor this cause on an ongoing basis? Can they foresee potential disasters and social, economic and environmental dangers that they could in fact be further creating as a result of such well-meaning gestures and unbeknownst to those who create or support them. All I am saying is that please look into EVERY and ANY such organisation that gives to a cause. Many organisations have done their research and are even hands-on in implementing the programs - some even visiting/living/working/overseeing within those communities to ensure the program doesnt have dire consequences but rather, ensures that the full benefits are received by such recipients and does in fact, enrich the cause and bring about the original intention without any unwelcome repercussions or ethical dilemmas. Just some food for thought before we kickstart the holiday season. Am not saying dont give - most of you know that I am all about giving back, and nothing means more to me than this; whether it be to people, animals, to make this world a better place; that is my whole purpose for existence in fact. What I am saying is make more informed and educated choices about who and where you should give to - question and research absolutely everything to ensure your money isnt funding something more sinister and/or in fact creating problems, rather than helping to solve them. Here is just one of many articles that challenges such causes and presents the other side of what can happen as a result of giving to causes such as the one listed here in the original link: freefromharm.org/agriculture-environment/10-reasons-to-say-no-to-animal-gifting-hunger-orgs/ If Heifer International responds, I will update this post accordingly. In the meantime, I ask that during this holiday season and the bombardment of such advertisements that inspire us to give - please choose wisely.
Posted on: Wed, 26 Nov 2014 08:29:59 +0000

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