Just wanted to express my gratitude to the several members and - TopicsExpress


Just wanted to express my gratitude to the several members and some staff, at the Community Support Centre where Ive volunteered, donated professional services, undertaken a student placement, and been an active member for the last ten years. A recent confession, in the form of text messages, from my ex-partner, that over the months after our relationship ended, several of you approached him with concerns of my assumed chronic drug habit and psychological disorder, based on my physical appearance and social withdrawal. He also confessed to confirming and contributing to your assumptions. During the time this was happening, I was facing a second battle with cancer. My relationship with my daughters was falling apart due to the actions of a bitter and twisted ex-wife. I was dealing with the emotional and financial aftermath of an 11 year relationship coming to an end. Spent weeks in and out of police stations and courtrooms doing statements and organising intervention orders to protect myself and my kids from the onslaught of death threats from two homophobic siblings and their families. Maintaining the commitment and academic study load of two tertiary level courses simultaneously. Volunteer work part time on and off as part of the study commitment. Monthly volunteering my time, and body, as part of HIV/Aids research trials at a hospital. And all the while still managing to walk into the Centre, smile, and support members and staff, whom I now know, were betraying my friendship, and, few would argue, a serious breach of confidentiality, privacy, and the code of ethics relating to their employment at the Centre, on the part of staff. Yes. All of this took a toll on my body causing a noticeable loss of weight. All of which Ive gained again, and more, to my delight. Yes, I went through brief periods of depression, exhaustion, and social withdrawal. Forgive me for needing to take a little time out for myself, to get my health and personal life back on track. How sad it is, none of you had the courage, decency, or respect, to ask me directly if I was ok, or if there was anything you could do to support me, rather than follow the course of action you did. Perhaps its time you all stop putting my life under your microscope, and have a good look at your own. I forgive you, all of you. Not for your benefit, but for myself, so I can now let go of it, and move on with my life. I have far more positive and important things to focus my energy on. An apology would be nice, but, I dont expect one, something my ex-partner, even after his confession, failed to offer. And my thanks and gratitude are for the remarkable example, and life experience you gift me with, that will provides me with highly valuable insight, that I will carry into my future career in Youth Work. To do my best for others, but always keep measures in place to protect myself, my Daughters, and the Youth Ill be working with, and for. Good karma for what I give of myself for HIV research (including regular body scans) has blessed me with the recent early diagnosis of a non aggressive cancer in one of my organs, that will in the near future require some minor surgery, and possibly follow up treatment, but i have great confidence in, and great assurance from, the remarkable medical team who care for me, and monitor my health, there is no danger to my life. Im cared for by a team of specialists, doctors, and nurses, who express their fascination for my bodys amazing healing power, by regularly telling me Im nothing less than a walking medical marvel, who admire me for my mental strength in my ability to maintain a positive attitude to life, and respect me for what I give of myself to, and for others. The very reasons Im often chosen as a prime candidate in their research trials. I am truly blessed. Moving on. Peace, love and light to all. Txxx
Posted on: Wed, 14 May 2014 23:39:43 +0000

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