Just wanted to pass along some photos from the events of the last - TopicsExpress


Just wanted to pass along some photos from the events of the last few days. And what a few days its been! Yesterday saw Al Rose, Steve Doyle, and Ed Masuga perform outside Shakespeare and Company (their photo below); nighttime found us at La Flaq for an evening of experimental film and music courtesy of Jesse Goodman Presents Yesterday was also another wildly successful day of filming as well. Magnus joined House of Nod for a visit to Jim Haynes, who shared his thoughts on Miller, Paris, and his world-famous Sunday dinners. Theres Jim on the right with Maria, the Librarys President of the Board, and her husband Torsen, at our dinner at Chez Jenny: The crew also interviewed Georges Hoffman, whose publishing house still owns the rights to Millers work in Europe. And today theyll be interviewing the granddaughter of Jack Kahane, the English founder of Obelisk Press in Paris, who first brought Miller to the attention of Europe back in the 1930s! And speaking of publishers, heres a photo of John Calder, who attended our dinner at Chez Jenny and spoke at length about his relationship with Miller. He started his publishing house in 1949 and has been a preeminent defender of artistic expression and free speech in Europe every since. As this profile in the Guardian notes: He is a publisher like no other in Britain today. Over the course of his 50-year career he has squandered fortunes on difficult, uncommercial writing. He championed freedom of speech and was a scourge of the conservative literary establishment, and his list has included avant-garde firebrands such Henry Miller and William Burroughs as well as numerous Nobel laureates, including Samuel Beckett, Heinrich Böll and Claude Simon. What is important about John is that he has gone to the wall, both artistically and financially, for his literary beliefs, says poet and critic Al Alvarez. And he continues to publish experimental work with a strictly minority appeal. Im sure he will be part of literary history for what hes done in terms of getting difficult minority writers a hearing. More to follow! (Thanks to Debi Lorenc for the photos) More updates here: https://kickstarter/projects/henrymillerlibrary/henry-millers-paris-a-film/
Posted on: Sat, 10 May 2014 09:25:21 +0000

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