Just wanted to share a story from a friend of mine: Carson - TopicsExpress


Just wanted to share a story from a friend of mine: Carson Medical Group Pediatrics has done it again. You may remember several months ago when I brought my one-year-old to the doctor for a standard check up and immunizations, they surprised me by telling me they needed to draw her blood. I softly objected, not understanding why this would be necessary for a healthy baby girl. They kind of bullied me into it, saying it was standard procedure for all kids that age, and they went on to say it was important that they do this to test for led poisoning. WTF! I allowed it, but regretted it later when I had time to think about how ridiculous that was. I even told the nurse that I live in a house built less than 10 years ago. She didnt have a response, but in hindsight I can see how that works out well for their new Lab Corp on premise. NOW - today - I get a call, telling me E has another appointment this week. For what? I ask. Is she getting another immunization? I thought we were done with her current shots for awhile. Pause. The answer... she needs to come in for her HIV shot. What the heck???? Did I miss something? What HIV shot? None of my kids have ever had an HIV shot. Was an HIV immunization approved without the rest of the world knowing about it?? I told the lady shed need to have someone in charge call me back. Regardless of what their answer is, they have proven to be ridiculous, over-zealous, etc. I am done with them. I strongly encourage all my friends who have kids who currently use CMG to reconsider... especially those of you who have (or are about to have) babies. PLEASE remember that you have rights as a parent to make decisions about your childs health care and you CAN say NO to these people!! Im not saying to reject all medical care and just live by WebMD, Im just begging you to do some research and go forth IN COOPERATION with your familys physician as an educated and active participant! Not just a recipient... Dont be lead by the nose and told what to do. Stand up and play a role in your own care.
Posted on: Thu, 31 Jul 2014 21:24:48 +0000

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