Just wanted to share, bought this rose bush last year for just - TopicsExpress


Just wanted to share, bought this rose bush last year for just 50p, when I got it home it seemed dead, inside and out but thought maybe some life in the roots so planted it in a pot and eventually about June it started to grow but no leaves just stem. Then a few weeks ago some leaves appeared but no buds, today went out and found it had flowered - not checked it for about a week, did water everything by hose on Thursday but didnt notice any buds but they must have been there but did not really look at it. I had forgotten its colour and name and now I know why I bought it, was for the colour, its actually a lilac although here it looks more pink. It has a very, very faint perfume to it. Dont know if I was doing right or wrong but every time I fed my other 5 rose bushes I fed this one, it obvious liked it as apart from these flowers there are 8 more buds on it. Been a bit down lately and these plus all the flowers that have come out - like as I now know the Delphiniums and all the others that are still flowering - some none stop since June - the yellow and the white ones - again lost the tags - it really has lifted me, I spent time taking photos of everything today - no will not bore you with all the photos. I made myself start to garden about 5 years ago as bad health keeps me home and I was not even going into garden as it was a mess, still not beautiful but now I love gardening and get so frustrated when stuck in due to ill health or if its a good day but weather bad ( yep I will go out in pouring rain and work). Have to pay gardener to do the heavy work including cutting the grass but I potter around and plant everything in pots so can manage to do it myself with hubby being my helper carrying bags of compost, bringing plants in to my potting trolley, putting pots in their place. I just never realised just how much pleasure growing flowers, fruit and veg can give you.
Posted on: Sun, 21 Sep 2014 19:30:48 +0000

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