Just watched 2 movie, Devil and Salt; Love it and Enjoy - TopicsExpress


Just watched 2 movie, Devil and Salt; Love it and Enjoy much!!! Had fed fur kids too from 0153hrs and reached home 0540hrs; over 3hrs of feeding, WHY taking so long time to finish?! It was because of BLUR Creamer, MISSING Sweetie and the CLUMSY SOTONG Me!!! The story begin with I started my journey first to Black Jack at the covered walkway, she was there, smooth beginning. I headed towards 7-11 to buy a bottle of Ribena then to De Niro and he was there and the other two of Mdm Leongs too... Smooth and no delay too!!! I went on towards Creamer and I called and called; finally heard her meowing instead of seeing her run out from the Condo car park towards the gate to meet me?! Found her by peeping into the vertical rail of the car park area from the ground floor and saw her kinda lost to not know how to get back to the level which she could get to me! Tried my best to call her from outside the gate to give her the sound direction but when walked back to peep through rail, she sat there looked up to my direction not knowing what to do!!! She was actually at the right slope to go back up to the correct level but she just aint trying!!! Ended up Id no choice but to proceed to the security house to ask for permission to enter to the car park to show her the direction!!! Finally brought her up to the gate then I quickly ran off trying to get back to security house to say thanks and ran back to the gate but Creamer was running after me too!!! Aiyo... I just dont care and kept running; when I got to the gate she was not there?! I was like WTF, dont tell me she got lost again... so I called and called for her again and again till she came out finally and at the same time Poker heard all that calling, also came out to the gate with her; I gave them food, waited for them to finish then cleaned up and said good night to them and left for Vincy, Tux Baby and Danny. Saw Vincy right away the moment I went up the staircase of late Hei Bai, led her back to her usual spot then left food and water there for her, Tux Baby and Danny then left with Manja (cos she saw me from far and invaded their territory!). Led Manja to the playground next to my block, gave her food then left for Don Corleone as he was waiting at the exit of HIS car park. After I gave food to him I headed into the car park for Capone but he couldnt be found?! Saw Jiwawa btw so had fed him/her too. I went on to the Playground next to the Pavillion (place of Happy & Sad) and found Chang Jiao and Eagle at the nearby block and fed both of them. After that I went into the pavillion to call for Sweetie and to refill my water bottle (cats) but Sweetie didnt comes out; I went around all the block there to look for her but in vain!!! I thought to light a cigarette to smoke then proceed to Midnight and the rest over at the other side first then come back for Sweetie again later BUT I realized my cig was not in the pocket behind my pants???!!! PANIC cos its A New Pack only four sticks had been smoked!!! I knew I must had dropped it somewhere along the way so no choice to quickly head back to wherever Id walked pass before to hope to find it!!! That was why the CLUMSY SOTONG me... found it finally at the top of Hei Bai staircase!!! Wanted to get back to Sweetie there once again before going to the rest but it wasnt the good timing as I didnt want to piss someone with my existence; so I went to the 7-11 at opposite to buy a bread, enjoy aircon and killed time till it was convenient to proceed!!! When cleared, I went back to Sweetie spot again and went one round but still no sight of her?! No choice to leave for Midnight, Sad Cat then Garfield, HeiBaiChay and Hydel, Ah Bui, Chang Chang (didnt see her but left food there for her) and Grey Cat. After feeding all of them I went back to the pavillion to try look for Sweetie again and FINALLY found her, fed her!!! When finished feeding Sweetie, thought to go home but last minute came Nina, Hydel Girl and Capone so I stayed on for awhile; that was when my hp batt went dead on me to not able to take photos of Capone and Hydel girl (didnt take one for Don Corleone too cos forgotten to!)... FINALLY I HEADED HOME AFTER!!! IT WAS A LONG HOURS, TIRING AND LOL FUR KIDS FEEDING I HAD 12 HOURS AGO!!! gg
Posted on: Thu, 10 Apr 2014 09:26:22 +0000

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