Just watched a clip of Mike Piazza talking to the Mets broadcast - TopicsExpress


Just watched a clip of Mike Piazza talking to the Mets broadcast booth from a couple of days ago. Nice guy. Always was. NEVER showed signs of roid rage. It is a shame that he is not in the Hall of Fame. He should have been a first ballot without question. He is now removed from playing for 6 or 7 years and he still a big guy. Big head, big back, big shoulders, big hands. It is highly unfair that he got lumped in with the known PED users via a whisper campaign. Who knows who was using what? Why was amphetamines not viewed as a PED for all the past generations? Just a holy-er than thou campaign. In my opinion, they should consider all of the players based on their accomplishments. Obviously, we lived through an era of PED use that although not officially approved by MLB was in fact supported by MLB (ie. the praise and pageantry surrounding McGwire and Sosa; and the big contracts for suspected users). Did the Yankees give back all their championships won with known PED users? Were the records changed? Olympic medalists and Tour de France users are stripped of their medals and titles. I say get off the high horse and have a wing for the hall of famers that played during the PED era. The Best of the PED era. That way, they can stop the unfortunate process of picking and choosing who the hall of fame voters THINK were PED users; or will only ball players with slight to medium frames be allowed to be elected into the Hall of Fame? Remember, Lance Armstrong was able to baffle testing for years. Heres how a whispering campaign starts....Derek Jeter has a body type much like Lance Armstrong....hmmmm.
Posted on: Fri, 07 Mar 2014 16:11:32 +0000

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