Just watched a show called Discovering Ardi, an ancient early - TopicsExpress


Just watched a show called Discovering Ardi, an ancient early human ancestor which existed before chimps and apes revealing that our ancestors did not evolve from apes or chimps but from a common ancestor before either. The key to this discovery is that this creature was not a knuckle walker, it did not walk using its hands on all fours like chimps and apes. Instead, our ancestors may have emerged from the trees never walking on all fours but always walking on our hind legs. We see this in many monkey species when they climb out of the trees and actually walk on their hind legs or leap about on them so that it leaves their fore arms free when they attempt to leap into trees. The discovery of Ardi has been largely ignored by the media and scientists because they are so accepting of the theory we evolved from a chimp like ancestor that it could take decades for a new generation of scientists to emerge from our young people in school to accept this and for the older generation of scientists to simply die off before this new discovery changes the theory of human evolution. As is often the case, scientific thinking changes and things we thought were true are proven wrong. We thought that birds were descended from dinosaurs but that was rejected by the old line scientists until new scientists emerging into the field accepted this and new discoveries left no question that it was true as not only were the skeletal structures similar enough to prove the point, we now know dinosaurs had feathers. With the theory / hypothesis of man made global warming, we are seeing several fields of science at work which only prove that global warming is happening... but not that mankind caused it. In fact, the changing definition of the theory reveals scientists are rethinking the theory but are having difficulty letting go of it because it gains so much media and political attention. First it was man made global warming, then the man made part was dropped to a simpler statement that it was global warming. When we began to see the weather changing in ways that did not fit the theory of global warming as we were being told, they changed the statement to climate change. This neutral definition means they can change the theory at any time and say it is now global cooling if they wish. So why is it so hard to get scientists to simply admit they were wrong and change the theory? Money... it always comes down to money. That doesnt mean the scientists are getting the money, but they get their part of it for research as a benefit of the process. When it was revealed that 90% of all peptic (stomach / intestines) ulcers were caused by bacteria and that it was discovered by simply examining the stomach lining of a cadaver, it raised a lot of questions among laymen (you and me) how this could be because we were always told bacteria cannot survive in the stomach lining. Turns out that this is because Big Pharma donates billions to medical universities and since the 19th century, have been controlling much of what doctors are being taught. Anyone with even basic knowledge of medical science knows that bacteria in the stomach causes major disease and even death meaning bacteria can survive in the stomach or passing through it. By controlling what doctors were being taught, and doctors gaining skills but not understanding from what they were being taught, Big Pharma got away with this lie for over a century. Not only that but the cure to kill the bacteria already existed and was a two cent cure they now make available for $1,500.00 a treatment with up to four treatments where only one is actually necessary... so they are still bleeding us dry even though doctors are now aware and accepting that stomach ulcers can largely now be cured... it only took 30 years to convince them and many of these doctors will still prescribe traditional treatments for stomach ulcers instead of the cure because Big Pharma makes billions treating stomach ulcers each year. Thus, Big Pharma is behind many of the failures in modern medical science because treating illness is more profitable than curing it. In the same way, there are many people in the private sector who stand to gain from new technologies and sciences born from promoting that human activity causes Global Warming. Likewise, scientists possess a strong ego so that once they accept something is true, they wont let go of the belief until decades have passed where older scientists die off and new scientists emerge to take their place with new ways of thinking. I would expect that the next generation will think like me because there is a profit incentive to actually address the truth... we contribute to global warming but we in no way caused it. So how do you make profit by accepting that truth? By accepting that truth, we must alter how we live to adjust to the changing climate. As such, Canadians will be buying more products for a seasonal warming trend as most already have all the cold weather tools and materials they need for cooler weather. Staying cool eats up a lot more energy which provides opportunities for those who support new energies if they are wise enough to figure this out. Camping equipment and toys are now increasingly being made with solar cels and panels. Outdoor lighting can now be achieved the same way. The construction industry stands to make a fortune if they get behind solar panels for your roof, for your windows and so forth because these new technologies cost more but as they are accepted, more people with existing houses or homes will want to have their roofing and windows redone with the new solar technologies. Power generators for deep freezers, air conditioners, heaters and so forth are wide open markets where we need help to lower our costs in an ever changing climate... warmer temps mean more air conditioners and higher electric bills new technologies can remedy. My view is global warming began with the end of the Little Ice Age and for all the crackpot theories about global warming, we arent even as warm as we were before the Little ice Age meaning were supposed to continue getting warmer. Accept it as thats the reality science is telling us... its the media and politicians who are telling us man made global warming is real and scientists who get grant money or who get a bit of celebrity attention keep promoting it... even when its clear mainstream science is abandoning this ideal. To learn that we are not descended from chimps and apes but that we have a common ancestor we each evolved from means huge changes in what we know about our existence. It also puts a whole new face on the Planet of the Apes because humans arent apes nor chimps... were monkey men lol. discovery/tv-shows/other-shows/videos/other-shows-discovering-ardi-videos.htm?AID=11732244&PID=6146825&SID=q24ce3y6kpde&URL=http%3A%2F%2Fdiscovery%2Ftv-shows%2Fother-shows%2Fvideos%2Fother-shows-discovering-ardi-videos.htm&ecid=AFF-7975437&pa=affcj&PCID=2470763
Posted on: Thu, 22 May 2014 19:30:14 +0000

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