Just weeks after Obama stabbed his Hollywood pals in the back - TopicsExpress


Just weeks after Obama stabbed his Hollywood pals in the back while conservatives showed up to defend the right of the makers of The Interview to say whatever they damn well please, liberal Hollywood is back in action betraying the only people who stood beside it. As usual, instead of choosing to be Charlie Hebdo, Hollywood’s liberals chose to be Neville Chamberlain. It all started with the box office record-demolishing opening of American Sniper, the story of war hero Chris Kyle, the most lethal sniper in American military history. Kyle’s sin was not being a victim, not asking for forgiveness. He fought a ruthless enemy with the cold professionalism that our American military makes standard operating procedure. His crime: He didn’t give a damn what liberals thought. He took the fight to the enemy, and the enemy was afraid. American legend Clint Eastwood took over the film from Steven Spielberg – a director who took the righteous fury of Israel following the Olympic massacre and turned it into a morally ambiguous morass in Munich – and the finished film struck a chord with audiences. Until now, every movie about the fight against Islamic terror had been a liberal fit of clothes-rending and teeth-gnashing about how mean we Americans are. But American Sniper (I have not yet seen it but am familiar with it) refuses to beg for the approval of the liberal elite. That is Chris Kyle’s crime. He refused to betray the truth by kneeling down at the altar of left wing clichés. Kyle understood that we are right, our enemy is evil, and that warriors must do difficult things to protect our people. Chris Kyle was Charlie Hebdo with a rifle, not a pen. This, of course, was unforgivable to the left. The liberal spasms of hatred in response to the overwhelming support of the American people for the film was entertainment worthy of paying a ticket price for in and of itself. There is nothing liberals hate more that Americans recognizing the unique goodness and courage of American warriors. Bloated nobody Michael Moore hated it. He announced, in a tweet dissing Kyle, a man whose boots the tubby wannabe is not fit to lick, that “We were taught snipers were cowards.” So many lies in one sentence. First, there’s no “We.” His chunky rear end never served in uniform, and he is unworthy of associating his miserable self with those of us who did. Second, no one is trained that snipers are “cowardly.” Mikey, I commanded Army units that included sniper teams, you quivering sack of feces, and might I suggest that you not inform those courageous Americans to their faces that they don’t meet your exacting standards of bravery lest you get introduced to the butt end of their rifles via your flapping piehole. Next, chunky iconoclast Seth Rogen weighed in with his observation that American Sniper reminded him of the fake Nazi propaganda film at the end of Inglorious Bastards. What a scumbag. This came after we conservatives stood with him when the Norks threatened him over The Interview – even to the extent of watching his piece of garbage on VOD – while his hero Barack Obama whined about people actually exercising their free speech rights. Of course, Rogen is a Canadian, but that’s no excuse – Canada’s awesome soldiers have set their own sniper standards in the war on the very people who would disembowel the hefty likes of Seth Rogen but for the warriors who guard him. It’s pathetic that after conservatives closed ranks to protect him, Rogen decided to reassure his loser liberal cohort that he was still one of the gang by biting the hand that defended him. We can be sure his liberal pals will be there when Rogen’s films start tanking – yeah, they love him for him, not for the stardom he obtained by sheer luck. It’s not like the world isn’t full of fat funny guys who could have just as easily been him. So what’s the proper response to the developing liberal narrative of Chris Kyle and other American warriors being a pack of sociopathic killers instead of the thin green line between freedom and jihadist terror? Detonate it. How? Contempt. Understand what this reaction is – the pathetic last gasp of reflexive anti-American losers infuriated that real patriots are showing their love and support of America’s heroes by going to see a movie that respects their sacrifice instead of casting them as villains. Remember all those anti-American movies that flopped over the last decade? No? Don’t worry – no one else does either – except the idiots who put their money down to make movies where the bad guys were the ones who didn’t fly planes into the World Trade Center. First and foremost, go see American Sniper. Hollywood makes far too few movies that patriotic Americans can see without getting physically ill – we need to support the filmmakers who do. And it will get noticed. Sure, being a liberal is nice, but $90 million is a lot of money to leave on the table in order to be politically correct. Second, decide whether you want to see the next movie Seth Rogen puts out. He thinks the story of an American warrior battling head-lopping jihadist freaks is the same as one glorifying Nazi dirtbags. Hey, that’s his right – and better men than he will die to ensure no one will ever stop him from spewing that nonsense. But you don’t have to spend your money on him. Let Seth know how you feel – it’s only fair since he thinks it’s important that you know how he feels. Chris Kyle and all our warriors are heroes. The battle against our enemies is just and right, and we should never back down from supporting their efforts. Sure, it annoys progressives when we refuse to surrender and commit ritual suicide to assuage their liberal guilt. But then, who cares what they think? We’re right, they’re wrong, and as long as Americans like Chris Kyle defend our country, the likes of Michael Moore and Seth Rogen will remain pathetic footnotes. TRUTH REVOLT -
Posted on: Tue, 20 Jan 2015 15:17:09 +0000

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