Just what the hell is going on with Christianity? If I were a - TopicsExpress


Just what the hell is going on with Christianity? If I were a Christian I would be pissed! It has taken on a sinister us against them war similar to politics but worse actually.. Real believers (REAL) Are rare anymore. They are the quiet ones, theyre faith is not shoved relentlessly in the faces of others, Boasted on signs or threatening. They are kind by nature, encompassing. They get off of theyre butts and do things for others and when they pray for another its in private and never mentioned. I would argue that the chances of there being a supreme being are great. I would argue that for the most part our understanding of him as a whole is more distorted across the board that any other thing we ponder. Rather than accepting him and allowing him to accept us we create him and put words in his mouth. We praise him for things we have done, blame him for things we have done and thank him for things he probably never wanted. We petition him for selfish desires and pester him constantly frivolously. We use him for Money, 15 million dollar mansions, 30 thousand dollar necklaces for Shiatsus with a wonderful pitch in the middle of the night to some old lady on S.S. Just give they say and God will answer all of youre prayers.. God has standards right? Well so do we, he gave them to us if that is what we choose believe and I do. I personally want nothing to do with a God that required me to deny school to this little girl, or respect my prayers for another rather than actions like my connection was more special then theyres, I want nothing to do with a God that rebukes gays or lesbians or supports Things like Westboro Baptist church. I would want nothing to do with a God that would be so ignorant as to not love and appreciate the very imagination he gave to us and admire the constant questions we have as to our origin. Its said that God has a sense of humor, Ill buy that! I hope he sees the bible kind of like I do, parts of it packed with wisdom, great teachings of kindness and depth, other parts I swear I can picture some ego maniac man posted against the leg of a Camel in the hot sun with nothing better to do but write some stupid crap about stoning people and fathers sleeping with theyre daughters. I think the days of going down the street to listen to Bob tell us what God has in mind are over. One needs to go no farther than with in ones self to find the Prince of peace. Seeking harmony with this world and everything in it begins with Acceptance... with out that its over, everything is in conflict when there is none. This country was NOT founded on Christian principals. It was founded by taking over lands that were not ours, selling people into slavery and forcing cheap labor. We left our countries of origin largely do to religion, we killed when we got here largely do to religion and we kill today largely due to religion. NOT FAITH Mind you but religion. I was raised as a Christian, my God lived outside of me then. Is there a Jesus or was there a Jesus is the question and I am open to both but not locked in to either. My God knows why, accepts the question and would never deny me for having it. Any thing else is unacceptable, How do I know that? I dont but they are my standards and I do know this, we-us Are allowed to have those when we are contemplating something as serious as a higher power to follow.
Posted on: Sat, 29 Mar 2014 15:53:00 +0000

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