Just when I thought it was safe to retreat and start to condition - TopicsExpress


Just when I thought it was safe to retreat and start to condition myself to the long game of persistently supporting Scottish Independence causes, chipping away, helping others with the odd bit of positive reinforcement through social media here and there (mainly helping myself as self therapy more than helping others) and doing what I can from a far off backwater (which in truth is not very much) up pops Gordon Brown, the self appointed Colonial High Commissioner of Scotland, to make my blood boil. Seriously, would you buy a second hand Ford Fiesta from this guy? Two weeks ago he was beseeching the people of Scotland with an emotive oration that suggested he was the saviour of the hour, the second coming, the man with the promises. It was a done deal.” Have no fear good people of Scotland, for I, me, Gordy, hero of Alba and the common man, shall shower you with considerable and extensive new powers, which will enrich your life in untold measure, as long as you vote no.” Pure mince! Just short of two weeks later the same former Westminster Chancellor and unelected caretaker Prime Minster ,who during the time he was in office refused to call a General Election, until the blue meanies ousted him anyway, is asking the people of Scotland to sign a petition demanding the Westminster government honour the promises that he himself has made! No, you couldn’t make it up! C’mon, get real! Is this man, who has been a professional politician for the last 31 years, who is used to lies, hypocrisy, greed and power-grabbing being the common day to day business of the sleazy world of mainstream politics, trying to tell the people of Scotland that he didn’t know that David Cameron was going to throw a pile of obstacles in the road of any new powers, that he didn’t know that there was no possibility under the sun that Westminster would consider in reality giving Scotland more beneficial terms as citizens of the UK than the rest of the country? If that is the case he is a bigger mug than he gets credit for and no wonder the United Kingdom was in such a disastrous state during his stewardship and the GFC. No, he is no mug. Knowing full well what the outcome of his actions prior to the referendum was going to be he did it anyway. Like a scene from a Mario Puzo novel he was sent by his Tory partners as an ‘honest broker’ to negotiate, convince, deceive and lead the people of Scotland to their fate. He and the rest of his party have no future in Scottish politics. On a more constructive and positive note I see the Yes supporting parties, as a direct result of the outcome of the referendum, falsehoods being found out and corrected, and the subsequent serial political backtracking from those pronouncing “Solemn Vows” (you can almost smell the friction burns) are continuing to gather followers faster than they can register them! The SNP alone now has almost 75,000 registered members. That fact is highly significant in itself. Mr Brown’s pronouncements overnight will only add to the determined numbers queuing to join political parties committed to ending the Labour Party’s traditional hold over Scotland, whose voters have been taken for granted for far too long by a party who have moved so far to the right that there is no way back.
Posted on: Wed, 01 Oct 2014 04:05:47 +0000

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