Just when u think its safe to get back into the waters of humanity - TopicsExpress


Just when u think its safe to get back into the waters of humanity you discover that the sharks of hate the discord of racial superiority the psychopathic mentality of a people who have no history no sustainable record of achievement no place on this God given earth they can call home have tainted the very air of justice with their lies hate their seemingly gleeful and diabolical acts of genocide from which history has taken notice even unto this very hour minute second have succumbed to their pride.....as we look back at this trial and others bros and sisters who have been killed we can only surmise the pain hurt despair that this trial has buried within blk america and blk people world wide this pride of white america isnt one of self dignity self awareness self love that results in an outward expression of tolerance of others but is a result of an insidious self hatred that permeates the human mind of white people who are directly or indirectly aware of the historical inaccuracies that has lead to a denial of another groups achievements through the white washing of factual evidence to the undeniable irrelevant claim of WHITE superiority that has tainted the american educational,political and religious centers of our country and foor this theres an AIR of WHITE PRIDE that is nothing but a DELUSIOnal FANTASY that has resulted in whites feeling superior..............if youre superior theres no need to kill others rape others murder others denial of their rights if youre truly superior youll look down on others not to berate and hate and kill them but to LIFT them up as was done by my forefathers and mothers when they saw these tamahus these whites growling like animals couldnt read write living in caves and before the light of africa shined upon the european to bring them into the light of knowledge wisdom and understanding that gave way to them starting the rennaisance period they had the nasty habit of throwing the FECAL matter out of the windows and onto unsuspecting passersby if you were that unlucky THESE people have stolen the LEGACY of their black masters and now sit rather comfortably on the flower beds of eve . It is this that i ponder wtf went through my foreparents brain to think they could take a half ape neanderthal human creature and make them civilized and to this day the answer is the same you cant you can teach a MONKEY anything but thier true nature their true savage wild untamed nature always come to the forefront. whites have always and will continue to rape kill sodomize and commit the most heinous of crimes as illustrated in the chart than all the racial groups COMBINED and its not because theyre are more of them by the numbers ITS BECAUSE they are that way. ITs their way their forma their style their modus operandi killllllllll rapeeeeeeeeeee murderrrrrrrrrr for that reason I can say with out a doubt as you live by the SWORD so shall you DIE by it go ahead laugh have your nigger jokes have your coon jokes but you know what white man your time is up its been up but your PRIDE has blinded you to whats coming that you cant even see your own down fall COMING.....like the bible say PRIDE COMES BEFORE THE FALL and as the reversal happens and the world fade to black dont cry please dont cry for all the inncoent babie that have been raped sodomized killed and all the others as well and in the most horrific of ways this shall come back to your kids and your kids kids forever and ever we havent forgotten and well never forget TRAYVON MARTIN and many more like him the economic and political landscape is changing whitey the economic power of my people is rising and soon we will have control of the media print tv radio blogs you name it and we will be able to dictate and tell the world NOT LIES but the truth of our history and your true history of lies and expose you for what you are DEVILS of MISCHIEF yes your my brother i have to admit but youre my younger brother and were gonna finish this fight and the victor shall be the older brother look at your true nature this isnt a lie a cover up what ive written is truth accept your ways as animals and part humans that are are......RIP TRAYVON RIP
Posted on: Sun, 14 Jul 2013 17:53:04 +0000

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