Just with our THINKING and FEELINGS we can become a"""""""""""" - TopicsExpress


Just with our THINKING and FEELINGS we can become a"""""""""""" """"""STRONG POWER """"""""""""see Video MIND SCIENCE Kept HIDDEN on youtube PLEASE JOIN me EACH DAY at 12:00pm for 2 Minutes EST AMERICA , Please put your FRIENDS on SPEED DIAL Remind them, Say and FEEL with your HEART See with your MIND the Following and Thru out Day , Post on your Ref Give out Copies 1. Iam WELL, I FEEL GOOD, I LOVE say your NAME 2. I will be the BEST_____in the Whole World, I will have ABUNDANCE of WEALTH and HAPPINESS a NICE HOME & CAR 3. Iam GRATEFUL for your BLESSINGS UNIVERSE the More you BLESS me the More I can HELP OTHERS 4. I RETURN all EVIL to Members of NWO with LOVE, I SEE you SUFFERING for your EVIL unless you CHANGE 5. Implement BILL R. OTINGERS 9 Point ECONOMIC PLAN its the Most FAIR ever Designed , CAPITALISM will Cause MOTIVATION with RIGHT Percent of Socialism too take care of OLD 6. 1-2 Children Per Couple Depending Where they Live 7. Iam TRULY GRATEFUL UNIVERSE for your BLESSINGS We teach a Man to FISH we FEED Him for the REST of HIS LIFE , We will Teach All to FISH=Work, We see the Whole World having ABUNDANCE , No More HUNGER Plenty of FOOD and HEALTH, GOOD HOMES and TRANSPORTATION , JOY Around the WORLD 8. I SEE World Wide""" PEACE""" and WORK for EVERYONE I see everyone with PEACE of MIND , FEELING LOVE for Everyone, We CREATE our OWN REALITY, If we think NEGATIVE We CREATE BAD, If we think GOOD we CREATE GOOD, SOME PEOPLE are so NEGATIVE when you think of them you LOOSE GOOD ENERGY, A Short VISIT with them will Leave you """DRAINED""of your ENERGY. THESE NEGATIVE SICK PEOPLE appear to LOVE SICKNESS and EVIL , They Make their Own Self SICK with thier THOUGHTS, They Think they KNOW EVERYTHING, They Can Only LEARN thru Self INFLICTED """SUFFERING""""Give them a Copy of this and Say Nothing if they FAIL to GET IT 9. Iam WELL I FEEL GOOD, I will have ABUNDANCE & HAPPINESS I will Forward this to EVERYONE I WILL PASS out COPIES This is TAO TE CHING, and I KNOW their is MORE , May the UNIVERSE BLESS EVERYONE, JESUS was Teaching this and Astronomy Be not Afraid, If it becomes Necessary I know how to Implement a NEW ECONOMIC SYSTEM we could put 30-50 Million to work On ONE LARGE PROJECT in a Short-time, the Work would Last 40 Years or more. Run Add in Paper 1000 Person ORGANIC Surival Group in Each County or Form SURVIVAL GROUPS of at Least Train One Weekend a Month 40 FAMILIES with EACH ONE willing to STOCK Certain Items, Get together Once a MONTH have a COOK OUT Together, at a HOME that NEEDS HELP, HAVE FUN, RAISE MONEY at EVENT for SPECIAL ITEMS to HELP EACH OTHER THAT NEEDS HELP , a NEW WINDOW or DOOR ON A HOME, PLANT a GARDEN, Have a get Together and CANN FOOD, My Relatives used to get together and CANN up to a 1000 Jars of Fresh Food, Build a Storm Shelter for one of your Members, etc HAVE FUN Get Pr pared for economic Collapse then do not DWELL ON IT 80% POSITIVE THINKING 10% Exposing EVIL Please Copy and Forward
Posted on: Sun, 01 Sep 2013 15:44:51 +0000

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