Just wondering. How many have stayed at the same family home for - TopicsExpress


Just wondering. How many have stayed at the same family home for 20 years, 40 years or more? Remember all the good times and sad times? Getting up to mischief and getting chased around the house? What good times I had at 138C from 1959. And dad made sure he bought a house with a large compound semi D. And he planted fruit trees...mainly various breeds of rambutan....ooooo the lekang varieties...large, juicy and fleshy. And distributing much to the neighbours and relatives. And we would climb up and enjoy the fruits until the red little devils came to have a bite of our fruit...hahahahaha...I remember my younger bro..Edward got bitten in you know where and the poor feller had a swollen thingy like a mini elephant trunk...but being young we laughed away. And my sisters..they too would climb up another tree and enjoy themselves until we blokes came and looked up. Hahahahaha. Oi! You all showing TV ah? And they would all curse us and close up. And the pets we had...a duck, geese ( oooo. Those 2 would chase us...and my 2 sisters still have a mark to show where they got bitten...right on the hips) , a rabbit who used to dig a warren in the ground and bolt in when Ringo, my black terror chased it in fun. Poor thing died one night....possibly from a heart attack. My youngest sis was totally heart broken. And as we grew up...Christmas parties gt a bit more wilder....Dewar and Johnny became a staple. You should have seen my dad...not too happy but he never kacau. Poor mum did all the cooking assisted by the other junior mums. Me? Alamak! The strong man had to do the pounding, the scraping and the beating..to make the thosai, curries and the cakes. Oooo Cant forget the lovely smells. And then one by one the birds began leaving the nest Then in 1973 , dad left us. Those were sad days for my mum especially. But we gathered around especially for Christmas, Easter and her birthday. We hardly met as a family except when a nephew or a niece was born. And when I got married in 78..and soon my family was more important and I had to leave my bro with my mum. 2 Lonely people except when One of us visited and the home became lively again. Then mum passed away in 1996...she was fantastic...went through all her papers..she was a trained nurse during WWII, applied to be a pastor ( She was an Anglican/ Catholic), was a teacher. a fantastic cook, brought up 7 ding dongs all by herself without a maid and yet had time to join the Church Choir, wrote articles for the papers, poems and a even a play ..a one act play accepted by Singapore U!!!.....Soon our home went into retirement, dusty, paint peeling, cracks. overgrown weeds and after the death of my bro....it was empty!.....Going there once in a way to tidy up and get the grass cut...so much sadness...so much memories passed thru my mind. And on Friday last..the last time I could enter my home and wander around was over. As I handed in my keys to the new owner and walked away...my eyes watered and a single tear rolled down my cheek.. It was no longer my home. No longer where we played and laughter rang through. It was just a house waiting for its new owner.....and hopefully...more laughter and memories will change it into another home for a another family. Sayonara 138C. You were my refuge and your walls will hold all the memories of days gone bye.
Posted on: Tue, 09 Dec 2014 15:28:29 +0000

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