Just wondering if anyone has any advice or experience with anxiety - TopicsExpress


Just wondering if anyone has any advice or experience with anxiety medication for dogs?? We have made several trips to the vet trying all the natural remedies for Mias anxiety, the protein tablets and just recently the adaptal spray with no success. I really did not want to resort to a sedative however she is becoming increasingly difficult to deal with. We have already determined she does not like most people which in my mind is okay. She loves me but is almost becoming too attached and wants to be with me continuously and of course this poses a problem when she is left in the care of anyone else. If I am not home she refuses to come in the house or if she does will hide under the bed until I return. When she hears any sort of noise that may indicate someone else is coming into the house or even into her space from another room she starts barking uncontrollably. This only lasts for a about 30 seconds but then she is nervous and skittish to the point that she runs and hides underneath tables, beds, around furniture wherever she can be out of site or paces back and forth from room to room. We have tried everything to make her feel safe and earn our trust. She is such a sweet puppy in every other way but it is so hard to watch her struggle with this. She gets quality food, lots of exercise and has bonded extremely well with all of our other animals. Its just people that she has issues with. Of course being a rescue dog we have no background information on her. The vet has said an anxiety medication or a sedative may be our only option. I welcome any thoughts or opinions my fellow dog lovers may have.
Posted on: Wed, 09 Jul 2014 23:30:13 +0000

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