Justice Day: On to Delhi (INDIA)on 19th September " If the 190 - TopicsExpress


Justice Day: On to Delhi (INDIA)on 19th September " If the 190 years slavery under the British could not break our morale, it would be wrong to conclude that only the persecutions spanning over 67 years will make our dreams come crashing down, break our morale, will make us lose hope in justice and truth and make us forget the meaning of jihad. God may not have given instructions to the army of sparrows but the army of Abraha consisting of elephants will be crushed like the heap of hay in not time. This is my firm belief and if you look into your hearts, you will find the same belief within you too. Revolution will definitely come; the truth will definitely emerge victorious. Islam zind hota hai har karbala ke baad." I write on the Facebook occasionally and get many comments to read. Though I do not get time to reply to all of them, I get an opportunity to realize many things. Only two months have passed since the inception of my newspaper Azizul Hind and six hundred thousand readers have joined it. This shows its reach. I have been writing on Batla House for the last few days. One of my facebook friends has wondered what difference it has made on the government and the administration. ‘You can go on writing on fake encounters. Actually you have been writing for a long time. Atif and Sajid are no more. Shahzad has been sentenced to life imprisonment’. It is a bitter truth. My writings may have made some impact on you and it may have remained confined to your hearts or may have caused some discussions in personal sittings. But as a matter of fact, it has not made considerable impact. Rihai Manch organized protests on the issue for two months in Lucknow. Recently, demonstrations were held in Batla House. It was also a big effort. But what did really happen? Did it force any change in the attitude of the government? Did circumstances become conducive for the delivery of justice to them? Did the government start taking all the efforts seriously? If not, should we be disappointed and stop making efforts? Today is the festival of Rakhi. I had the relation of a brother with the chief minister of Delhi Mrs Sheila Dixit and also I had a brotherly relationship with the BJP leader Sushma Swaraj rather than the relationship between a politician and a journalist. I recall that after Gujarat riots, once she had given a party in a five star hotel and had specially called me over the phone and said that I must come. I had replied that I would have come even if she had not called. I attended the party and sat in a corner. After some time Sushma ji came over to me and said, ‘Let’s go where all are present.’ I told her that I do not enjoy any party after Gujarat. Then she said, ‘Please at least have meal’. I said that I would have meal at home’. The conversation continued. She said,’You have meal at home every day. Have meal with your sister today.’ I replied, ‘Not today, call me on Rakhi. I will share meal with you.’ I know what I am writing on Batla House since the last week might offend Mrs Sheila Dikshit. However, I remember I would talk to her over the phone on the day of Rakhi every year. Therefore, today I called her up at 8.30 am but this time we could not talk. I can realize her annoyance. I do not know the reason of her not responding to my call. Was it her busy schedule or my bitter outpourings in the newspaper I am not sure. However, she may have her own obligations as I have my own. Whether my writings will have any impact is not for me to see. My job is only to keep exposing the truth, to keep knocking at the door, to keep stirring the conscience, keep waking up every one, and keep lighting up the lamp of hope in every heart. Even if I fail in this effort, it will at least save me from the embarrassment before myself. My conscience will not curse me and say, ‘You had the pen, God had also given you the ability to write and you enjoyed the readers’ approval as well, then why did you stop the jihad with pen. Didn’t you know that God’s justice is swift and silent? Indeed, there is a little delay sometimes or seems delayed to us.’ I want a big rally on 19th September 2013 in Delhi. I did not say that I want to organize it as I do not have the resources to organize a big rally in Delhi as in the changed circumstances I have no idea who will stand by me in the this battle and who among my close companions will part ways; who will respond to my call and who will not come despite my requests. But it is my duty to give a call in the same way the muezzin gives the call to come to the mosque but not everyone hearing the call walks towards the mosque. However, by God’s grace, mosques do not remain deserted. Namazis walk towards the mosque from the places as far as the sound of the call reaches. I may not be a muezzin. But I am a writer but I am giving a call for justice and calling towards the truth. I am giving a call to confront the falsehood. Let’s see how far my voice goes. You may recall that not long ago, the Home Minister of India Mr Sushil Kumar Shinde had said that the Sangh Parivar runs terror camps. It was not something new as Swami Aseemananda had said in his confessional statement before a magistrate earlier, rather he had proved it. Some sincere and just officers had exposed the truth in dozens of incidents like in Nanded and Kanpur. By organizing riots on contract, the Shri Ram Sena had proved what the mentality and profession of the organizations originating from the RSS is. Nonetheless, the organized campaign of the BJP and the Sangh Parivar forced the Home Minister to eat his words. In other words, the communal forces forced the government to retreat despite it being right and we are still silent despite being in the know of the wrongs of the government. We are perhaps waiting for some miracle to happen. No, now there is no Moses with his miraculous stick. Now even Jesus Christ will not come as a prophet to make the dead come alive. No prophet is to come after the final prophet Hadhrat Muhammad (pbuh). The Quran and hadith is our beacon light that will guide us till the Day of Judgment. The topic is not religious, so we will have to get back to the original topic of Batla House, on the fifth anniversary of the murder of Atif and Sajid on 19th September 2013, on the topic of the call for justice against the persecution of innocent Muslim youth in Delhi. An honest and just inquiry could prove that Ishrat Jahan was not a terrorist and she did not have the plan to eliminate Modi. DIG Vanzara and the chief minister of the state had hatched a conspiracy to malign Islam and Muslims. Today may be the chapter of ‘white beard and black beard’ will be closed but the truth that has come to light cannot be falsified. If Atif and Sajid had been terrorists, if the Delhi government, Home Minister Shiv Raj Patil and DCP Aloke Kumar had nothing to do with it, why was the demand for an inquiry into it was rejected? The truth would have come out, whatever it was. I am not a politician and have no political party and I do not expect thousands of people to assemble in the ground in Delhi on my call. But I have also done the experiment. On February 10, 2013, I had published an advertisement of a few lines saying, ‘I am alive and want to see and talk to you. Please come to India Islamic Cultural Centre, Lodhi Road at 10 a.m. on February 10, 2013. I will wait for you.’ Since the day India Islamic Cultural Centre was built till the day, people had not gathered in such a large number. All the three halls were jam packed. There was no space left in the ground outside. Roads were jammed. There was no chief guest, no one to preside over, there was no big personality. There was not even a topic. I was the sole speaker and my incomplete speech ran only for four hours because the hall was booked in someone else’s name after that. I do not know if anyone will turn up to raise the voice of truth on 19th September 2013. But I will continue with my jihad with the pen. As I have said I am not a politician and do not have the plan to enter politics either. But those who are already in politics or want to join politics and they belong to any secular party, then they are my friends, my brothers. I will stand by them shoulder to shoulder. Any party may give or not give them ticket but Aziz Burney and his newspaper will always be ready to give voice to them. And if they want to fight the elections, we will support them. But there is only one condition: they will have to support and defend the truth and justice. At the moment, the murder of Atif and Sajid is not merely an issue of the murder of two Muslim youth. As a matter of fact, God says in the Quran that the murder of one innocent human being is akin to the murder of the entire humanity. Whether they were innocent or guilty is known to God alone but to us, their guilt has not been proved yet. Attempts are being made to put a cover on the truth by escaping from the truth. The purpose of my journalism is to peel off the layers and uncover the truth which I was doing and will continue to do in future. It is not true that all these efforts have not borne fruit. It has yielded results beyond my expectations and God willing, it will yield results beyond my expectations in future too. Read in Hindi and Urdu azizulhind epaper.azizulhind/index.php?newsId=1151 #azizulhind #azizburney #batlahouse #tahreek
Posted on: Wed, 21 Aug 2013 08:57:15 +0000

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