Justin Bieber to present Top Gear Bieber on Top Gear - TopicsExpress


Justin Bieber to present Top Gear Bieber on Top Gear Fallen teen idol Justin Bieber is set to replace Jeremy Clarkson as lead-racist on a programme about cars. Bieber is the hot favourite to step into Clarkson’s shoes after video footage showed the singer using the n-word in an upfront, non-nursery rhyme context. The shock revelation comes after a difficult year for the singer who has struggled to balance the twin pressures of fame and ‘being a twat’. Bieber’s new role should prove an instant smash for the 19 year-old, whose experience of automobiles extends to being driven around in the back of a limo. The BBC, meanwhile, hopes to expand the core audience of its flagship car programme to include white supremacists and people not yet able to drive. Bieber to join Top Gear TV chiefs have confirmed their willingness to hire a ‘controversial’ frontman who is younger than Clarkson and slightly less irritating than Richard Hammond The BBC’s Head of Car Programming, Andy Stevens, said, “Justin has performed well in rehearsals, casually referring to a Toyota as ‘nothing more than souped-up rice shuttle’.” The post-adolescent pop maestro also plans a revamped version of Top Gear’s “Power Laps” feature, in which celebrities will aim for the fastest lap time while under the influence of marijuana. However, Bieber faces a backlash from Beliebers who were offended by the racist joke. Bieber fan, Simon Williams, who was present at the racist joke unveiling, said, “As a non-PC Top Gear fan, I’m fine with a little under-the-radar-racism.” “What I do object to is being made to wait over three hours for him to deliver the punchline.”
Posted on: Fri, 06 Jun 2014 09:31:21 +0000

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