Justin Trudeaus foolish China remarks spark anger cbc.sh/0oH3UXC I - TopicsExpress


Justin Trudeaus foolish China remarks spark anger cbc.sh/0oH3UXC I was chosen by my alma mater to do research in China. I was thrilled because I too have had a level of admiration for China. In 1999 I lived and worked in China as a research/educator in a private boarding school in Yan Tian, China. The gated school had over 2000 resident students from kindergarten to grade 12. The 10 member team from the University of Victoria and Simon Fraser University taught courses in English and Computer Studies. I began teaching elementary computer studies then switched to grade 9-10 visual literacy/communications in computer studies at the senior level. Each class consisted of 40 students and 5 different classes per day 40 minutes long for each class time. Surprisingly, teaching 200 students per day was not difficult. Why? Each student was 100% on task. Each morning, hundreds of students anxiously awaited entry to their classrooms, always eager, always energetic and rigorously enthused. Arriving single file with a sponsor teacher after having completed a 1/2 hour of exercises and chants before class these children were an absolute inspiration. It was a teachers divine dream, a class of dedicated young over achievers! One day the school Director told me that the Chinese television station had come to video my classroom and my lesson. This was something totally unexpected. The class went well and my presentation was well received by the administration. Who knows how many millions of viewers saw my work? The short time we were there organized assemblies in the court yard were common, bringing together the 2000 students plus their instructors. If an instructor had done well and their students had shown great achievement the administration would award the teacher with a cash award. A large cardboard cheque would be shown to the assembly. The teacher would then be presented with this cash award in front of the entire school usually to cheers of delight from their students. I have to agree with Justin 100%, “There is a level of admiration I actually have for China because their basic dictatorship is allowing them to actually turn their economy around on a dime and say we need to go green, we need to start, you know, investing in solar. Yes, that is exactly what I experienced. Each student understood their need for education, their subtle and persistent acute attention made me work even harder for them. I had an assistant with me at all times in the classroom, not to teach but to be there if the language barrier became too tough, it never did. When I delivered a unit to my senior class the assistant did pull me aside and said, If you include that they are to make lots of money in this project you will find that their interest will be substantial and their attention greater In other words, their entrepreneurial skills were being developed at a very early stage of their education and they had the computer skills to explore and develop those ideas. My computer station at the front of the room had access to every computer enabling me to see what each student (40 of them) was doing and if they were not on task their computer was shut down. That never happened. The environment in the classroom was stellar. I would play classical music while the children worked solid for 40 minutes, some refusing to leave when the bell rang. One day during an environmental project I showed them Andy Goldsworthys book and his famous sculptural landscapes. Why are you showing us this Ms Renaud? Knowing I had a limited background in talking their language I used images as my verbal communication. Those who could speak English were quick to understand some of my strategies in class questioning my motifs, usually with a large grin. After three months of research at The New Century School I witnessed children continually challenged, constantly monitored and severely regimented and disciplined. It worked! Early morning starts at 7:00 a.m. 2 1/2 rest period in the afternoon, then 3 hours of schooling until 5:00 p.m. Dinner begins sharply at 6:00 and school continues until 8:00 p.m. for students who need extra help. Often the seniors would go well into the evening to 11:00 p.m. I was impressed. No, I was more than impressed I felt that our education system in Canada could use some reform, not only for the children but also for our teachers who feel unchallenged with outdated and often times irrelevant curriculum. The students I taught inspired me by their will to learn, my reward was a well balanced mixture of dedication and devotion to learning. One thing that has stayed with me, they adore being creative. I offered them the ability to freely express themselves through their work and for that I was rewarded yet again with exceptional work. I knew my time was coming to a close with them and they knew I was going to be leaving to return to Canada. When I arrived in my class the last morning every computer (40) of them, had We love you Judith on it. I know what Justin Trudeau means when he said he admires the Chinese culture, they CAN address some major issues very quickly.” because they learn how to do that at a very early age. Canada needs to have a much stronger connection to the needs of our children in our schools.
Posted on: Mon, 11 Nov 2013 01:57:53 +0000

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