Jutri 25.11. bo papež Frančišek govoril v Evropskem parlamentu - TopicsExpress


Jutri 25.11. bo papež Frančišek govoril v Evropskem parlamentu v Strasbourgu od 11.15-12.00. Precej evropskih poslancev je temu nasprotovalo. Njegova sporočila na Twitterju, povabljeni k širjenju:@Pontifex, #PopeFrancis - Work is so important for human dignity, for building up a family, for peace! - I ask all people of goodwill to help build a culture of encounter, solidarity and peace. - Being humble helps us share the burdens of others. - The family is where we are formed as people. Every family is a brick in the building of society - To change the world we must be good to those who cannot repay us. - I pray every day for all who are suffering in Iraq. Please join me. - So many innocent people have been driven from their homes in Iraq. Lord, we pray they may go back soon - May we be always more grateful for the help of domestic workers and caregivers; theirs is a precious service - When one lives attached to money, pride or power, it is impossible to be truly happy - Dear young people, do not be mediocre; the Christian life challenges us with great ideals
Posted on: Mon, 24 Nov 2014 10:30:12 +0000

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