Jyotish for All: Jupiter (Dev Guru Brahaspati) Jupiter is - TopicsExpress


Jyotish for All: Jupiter (Dev Guru Brahaspati) Jupiter is the personification of Dhi-Shakti among us and hence gives us wisdom, discretion and judgment. It represents universal peace and brotherhood and inculcates these qualities in a native thereby making him very respected and loved by all. Among the 5 Tatwas (5 Building blocks of creation) it represents Akash Tatwa which gives meaning and direction to our existence. It also governs cohesion and helps bind people and things together. Being a very deep thinker he makes a native interested in higher philosophies and makes him very philosophical. He also gives very good knowledge of grammar and origin of words and languages. Being a Guru of Devas (Gods) he gives lot of knowledge of religion, religious scriptures and such traditional knowledge of righteousness and Dharma. He legitimizes things in the society so that there is a proper order for all and hence gives excellent knowledge of law to a native. Jupiter has very wide view and makes a person excellent in subjects like: geography and other such related subjects. Being Naisargik karaka (natural significator) of wealth, he blesses a native with vast knowledge of finance, economy and optimization and enhancement of resources on national and/or global scale. Seeking and sharing knowledge, teaching and showing others the right path are the karmas of Guru, consequently Jupiter grants to a native wide interest in diverse fields and helps him acquire absolute knowledge in at least one field. To have all or some of these qualities: Jupiter must be placed in trines (1,5,9 House) in Navamsha (D9) or Jupiter has to be Vargautama (placed in same sign in Rashi chart and in Navamsha chart). sarvatobhadra
Posted on: Sun, 11 Jan 2015 16:35:21 +0000

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