K guys story time cuz why not? Once upon a time there was this - TopicsExpress


K guys story time cuz why not? Once upon a time there was this kid named jake, and hes not much of a ladies man. although there were woman in his life that have shown to like them, he didnt try to ask them out since the fear of rejection scared him too hard so he went threw life wondering if he would ever get a girlfriend. But one day he had met this beautiful girl, her name was ashley and he was absolutely stunned by her beauty. Something in side of jake build up and he had the confidence to go over and talk to her but she didnt really seem like she even wanted jake as a friend. Jake didnt let this make him give up. he kept on making things that would cause them to meet up together and talk. Eventually ashley fell into his persistence and became friends with her he would always walk her to her classes and spend her entire launch with her. They became really close friends and he almost build up the confidence to ask her out, but she had moved schools... jake didnt let this get to him however. He was almost fully prepared to move on when one day, ashley had passed by him in her car heading to school. this pumped him with so much joy his persistence turned right back on, the next day he woke up earlier than before to see where she turned. day by day he got closer and closer til he found the street she lived on. later the day he found the street ashley lived on, he waited at where she would turn going to school to see if she came home the same way. she did, and he saw that she lived really close to the turn. After a few moments she approached jake and seemed really happy. she asked him how did he know where she lived and he lied and said that he was just waiting for his mom, nethertheless, they both was very happy to see eachother again. after that every day he passed by her house around the time she came home. although most of the times he was either too early or too late, he always went passed and her little sister alexandra always notice him. one day ashleys little sister stoped him and asked why he was riding around and jake answered truthfully and said he wanted to see ashley again so alex went and got ashley for him. and they were both happy to see eachother again. After that things just got better and better jake would go over her house everyday and just hang out with her, he still, however, have not gained the confidence to ask her out. But luckily to his surprise SHE asked HIM out and this was a big surprise to him. Of Course he said yes and theyve been going out every since... til now They both go to a different high school now and since they both get over encumbered with homework. They barely get to see each other. Ashley seems to be fine with it but jake has different thoughts. Hes thinking about breaking up with her since they cant see eachother much nor communicate in anyway. Should he break up with her? or is he just overreacting and should just deal with seeing her alot less. Stay tune for part 2
Posted on: Wed, 20 Aug 2014 04:05:05 +0000

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