KACOU 64: INTERPRETATION OF THE TWO VISIONS No one may be saved - TopicsExpress


KACOU 64: INTERPRETATION OF THE TWO VISIONS No one may be saved but by this African. 15 And when the Horseman moved ahead, the churches which are the mountains and hills flattened, even trees bowed to him. And the trees are the great religious men, theologians and kings of the earth. It shall come to pass that some mayors, MPs, ministers and even presidents and kings will rise to fulfill this Vision and it shall be said that God of the Heavens has used an African, not to carry the cross of Jesus but to speak to all the inhabitants of the earth as He did it in the past by Moses and the Prophets so that for some time, no one may be saved but by this African. [Ed: The Congregation says: Amen! ] Book of Prophet Kacou Philippe KACOU 64: INTERPRETATION OF THE TWO VISIONS (Preached on Wednesday October 17, 2007 evening in Adjamé, Abidjan – Ivory Coast / Ref.06-14 and transcribed on the audio band by Brother Akobé Benjamin) 1 When a Messenger is to minister on earth, God prepares the circumstances and a lot of those whose names were written in the Book of Life of the Lamb right before the Foundation of the world come into the world… 2 Well, I would like to talk about something else before starting! When the queen of Sheba came to Solomon, notice that, as for Solomon’s Wisdom, the Bible says that she was herself very wise and she even went up to try Solomon with parables and enigmas. 2 Ch.9. And as for Solomon’s wealth, the Bible also says that she brought him much spices and a great train of camels bore that. She offered more than three tons of gold to Solomon. No man had ever offered such a large quantity of gold to Solomon. She brought him precious stones in very great abundance. You see? 3 May God bless you! This evening, I want to read the Vision of April 24, 1993 first… [Ed: Brother Philippe reads the first Vision… I came to Conversion on April 24, 1993 according to Daniel 10:4 to 11 by a Vision in which I saw myself standing upon the sand of the sea and then on Top of a High Pyramid and then again upon the sand of the sea in another place and I saw an old military truck coming out of the depths of the sea and leave behind me. I turned round and saw that it contained living people. They were women and one of them was of a mixed race. Then two Doves came toward me and then went back over the waters. There was an eclipse and a Man having the guise of a Cloud and holding a Sword came down from Heaven with a Lamb and the earth was illuminated again. They stood upon the waters and the Lamb began to speak to me in an Unknown Language. The Sound of His Voice came into me and I fell dead. My soul went off to stand upon the waters while my body was lying upon the sand of the sea. When It had finished speaking to me, my soul came into me and I became alive again but I no longer saw Them. Then a Crowd of People came toward me from the right side and I asked them if they had seen the Angel and the Lamb. They said: No!. And I said: How did you not see the Angel and the Lamb and all the things They have done? They replied: We have not seen the Angel and the Lamb and we have not heard the Words the Lamb pronounced, but we entirely believe It because what God gave and that the devil took, has now been restituted to you . I looked up and saw as a Ladder set up between the heaven and the earth, above the waters and Angels ascended and descended. The Vision ended ]. 4 Well, five days ago, I was with a Sister of the assembly of Adjamé and that day, three hours after she departed from me, I felt that she had received something very important for the Message. I got on the phone with her and the thing was right. She said: I had two Visions . And the following day’s evening, she came back to explain me the Visions. Yet that happened some years ago. 5 It was on Saturday April 28, 2001 around 15 hours. She had several dreams but I selected the two Visions for I felt that she had seen that and that might be in connection with the Message. And the Vision was such that it appeared necessary to talk especially about it and to devote a whole Preaching to it as I am doing this evening. It is about the Vision of April 24, 1993 followed by what the Ministry of the Message will do. The Bible says that it is through Visions that God makes Himself known to His Prophets. You see? 6 And I have never asked any Brother or Sister if he had Visions in the past, nor even my own wife. But when I ask that, I am driven by something. You see? It is not by some Vision, or Conviction, or Dream, or by some Gift that I do that but I simply feel it. It is caused by a faculty. It is when you are driven to do something as though that is coming from you. Look at butterflies and migratory birds, at a certain season, they move on to other regions to survive and after the season, they come back. It is a faculty that causes them to do that. 7 Well, I come to the Visions. The sister said: I was sitting at home and I saw as a table in front of me and a Man clothed in white standing on the sand of the sea. He was a Black Man. He was looking on the surface of the waters as if he was awaiting something and I saw him from the back. As he looked, a fish like a whale rose on the surface of the waters. Then some time later, breathing out, the fish went down slowly in the depths of the waters, letting bubbles of air come out as if it was dead. Then a second fish with the same appearance appeared at another place and disappeared in the same manner as the first one. Then a third, a fourth, a fifth, a sixth and a seventh and everything occurred in the same manner. And when the seventh fish disappeared, there was a Flash of Lightning above the waters, in front of the Man clothed in white. The Flash produced powerful sounds like voices with sparks. It was not some lightning or some thunder but it was the Flash that produced those noises like powerful cracklings with sparks, and the Light and the Voices of the Flash entered into the man and he gestured a bit and the Light and the Sounds of the Flash struck all the creation and the wind blew on waters and the trees and the waves struck the rocks. And it was as if it were what the Man clothed in white was awaiting and the Vision ended. I said, what’s this? And a second Vision followed at once. The same Man clothed in white that I had seen standing on the sand of the sea was sitting on a White Horse on top of a very High Mountain, bare like a pyramid. Water had streamed over it. It stood alone, not in range. I wished I could see the Man’s face but I saw him from the back. He went down slowly and when he moved ahead, the Mountain on which he had been stood up in its place but all the mountains and the hills of the earth flattened and became small stones before him and all the trees, big ones and small ones curved in arc until their foliage touched the ground before him and he went to a very old black woman. It was as if that old black woman had been waiting for the Man for a long time. She was weighed down by her old age, the wrinkles on her face were so strong, her movements were very slow. She looked at the Horseman come as one looks upon somebody as his Sole Hope and it was also as if it were because of her that he was coming. And the Man clothed in white rode to her, when he touched the old woman, she became an extremely beautiful young girl. Even her clothes were transformed. And to the Miracle that took place, great Crowds came again, praising and worshipping God because of that Miracle. And the Crowd became extremely large, there were men and women, small and great, white, black, men of all the races on earth shouting aloud: Glory be to our God! Glory be to our God! We are saved! We are saved! And the news spread and crowds came from everywhere. And the horseman advanced and the multitude followed him. And the Vision ended and I was troubled by it for several days . 8 And when she came to the Midnight Cry Message, she did not seek to make any parallel with the Vision of April 24, 1993 or to explain it to the Prophet. But God Himself saw to that more than one year later, at the Appointed Time. You see? 9 Well, the first Vision is the greatest Vision related directly to the Message after that of April 24, 1993. And that takes place by the side of the great river Hiddekel in relation with the Unknown Language of Dan.12:10. It is exactly the Vision of April 24, 1993 in another version like one of the Books of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John in relation with what the Lord Jesus-Christ did. And a Gift of Prophecy, however great, cannot equal that. You see? 10 And when she saw the second Vision, she said: will such a Man walk on earth? You see? It is him that has been given to understand it right before the Foundation of the world who will understand it and will believe it. [Ed: The Congregation says, Amen!]. And these ones, before they had any body, before they were manifested on earth, they had already believed in God’s mind. 11 And the seven whales are the seven Churches that were going to rise on earth. The waters are the nations as we can see it in Rev.17:15. The four winds are the forces and demons that will raise the waves, that is crowds against the Saints as we can see it in Rev.12:14-17. And the serpent cast water out against the woman… You see? The first whale is the Church of Ephesus and it is this same whale which appears and disappears up to the seventh. The fact that the seventh whale disappears, that means that the Evening Message passes entirely before the Midnight Cry as we can see it in the Preaching: the Mystery of the four beasts that you have seen . The seventh whale disappears and branhamists become the fourth beast of Dan.7 before the Midnight Cry. After Laodicea, the Ministry of the Horseman of Rev.19 comes. You see? 12 After the seventh whale, the flash occurs, not in the Heaven but over the waters. Exactly at the place and the distance where the Angel and the Lamb of April 24, 1993 stood. The Sister saw the Flash but Prophet Kacou Philippe clearly saw the Angel and the Lamb. She heard as sharp and jerky detonations like voices but like Daniel, the Prophet heard Words distinctly so much so that he said: the language was a little close to Arabic because I have never heard somebody speak Hebrew. In John 12:28-29, the Bible says that crowd heard thunders but they were Words: I both have glorified and will glorify it again. You see? 13 And she says that when the seventh whale disappeared, the Man got ready for something then the Flash came. And the Sound that came out of the Flash released the four winds on the waters which raised to strike the rocks and the place behind the Man clothed in white was just as I saw it in the second Vision of 1993. There were rocks; and there was one in front of me because the Lord Himself is the Rock of Ages. And in the Book of Revelation, there where it is spoken of Flashes, it is also spoken of Voice and Thunders. The Flashes and the Sparks confirm that it is a Voice and Job 37:4 says that He does not hold back the Flashes when His Voice is heard. 14 The second Vision is That of the Glorious Ministry. The Sister specifies that the Mountain was bare, water had streamed over it. It was rather high and stood alone, not in range. And this high Mountain is the same old Church of the Apostles and the Messengers. It stood alone, not in range; that is to say that it has no ties and will never have any ties with another mountain or church. 15 And when the Horseman moved ahead, the churches which are the mountains and hills flattened, even trees bowed to him. And the trees are the great religious men, theologians and kings of the earth. It shall come to pass that some mayors, MPs, ministers and even presidents and kings will rise to fulfill this Vision and it shall be said that God of the Heavens has used an African, not to carry the cross of Jesus but to speak to all the inhabitants of the earth as He did it in the past by Moses and the Prophets so that for some time, no one may be saved but by this African. [Ed: The Congregation says: Amen! ] 16 Yes! The Elect shall come from the East and West, the North and South on the Eagles’ Wings, from Asia, Europe, America, Africa for Baptisms, Consecrations, fraternizing together because we had joy with Him before the Foundation of the world. The continents, riches, races and churches separated us but the Prophet gathers us in accordance with 2 Ch.20:20 and Hosea 12:14. [Ed: The Congregation says, Amen!] 15 And this old woman is nothing other than the same old Church of the Apostles which appears here at Midnight, this time like an African woman. And she could not have a white man as her husband because the Bible condemns hybridization. And it was the Message that rejuvenated her. 16 In the two Visions, she did not see the face of the Man clothed in white. He always stood in such a way that she could not see his face. Because, that could not be anyone else but the Person of Mat.25:6. On earth, there was not yet any greater African or black man by whom he was to be represented. And she would recognize him when she saw him. 17 When you see a Vision from God, even ten years after it you can remember that as if it were yesterday. And she said: the first day I saw you, my heart was beating very hard and I was troubled. You see? She could have known that it was him but apparently, it was not what she expected. But this Personage was great before God but insignificant before men. Because what is great before men is insignificant before God and what is great before God is insignificant before men. Print this Chapter Send this page to a friend back to the list philippekacou.org - Copyright © April 2007 Registration of Copyright ® All rights reserved
Posted on: Tue, 02 Dec 2014 13:30:03 +0000

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