KAGAME, voudrait-il SE SOUMMETTRE À UN TEST DE DÉTECTEUR DE MENSONGES POUR AFFRIMER QU´IL N´EST PAS LE COMMANDITAIRE de l´ASSASSINAT DE L´ANCIEN PRÉSIDENT RWANDAIS, HABAYARIMANA ET DU PRÉSIDENT BURUNDAIS COMME LE PROPOSE SON ANCIEN AMBASSADEUR? MAKOLO EKO KOMELA YO KILO, INYEZI E KAGAME! Gen. Kagame -- last year president Obama phoned to warn him over a damning UN report implicating Rwanda in sponsoring M23 the army accused of widespread terrorism in Congo. His former ambassador wants him to take a lie-detector test over assassination that sparked 1994 massacres. [Op-Ed]I am inviting President Paul Kagame to join me in taking a lie-detector (polygraph) test, under international supervision, on the question of who shot down President Juvenal Habyarimanas plane in 1994. In April 2012, I testified before the French Judge, Marc Trevidic, to confirm that President Paul Kagame is responsible for the shooting down of the aircraft in which President Habyarimana of Rwanda, President Ntaryamira of Burundi and all others on board perished. Both of us could take the test under the auspices of a joint panel of investigators constituted by the African Union and the United Nations. Dr. Theogene Rudasingwa was Rwandas former ambassador to the United States in Gen. Kagames government. He now lives in the U.S. - See more at: blackstarnews/global-politics/africa/will-rwandas-gen-paul-kagame-accept-his-former-ambassadors-challenge-to-lie#sthash.QL916Tmt.QRnoWcey.dpuf blackstarnews/global-politics/africa/will-rwandas-gen-paul-kagame-accept-his-former-ambassadors-challenge-to-lie
Posted on: Thu, 24 Oct 2013 17:22:18 +0000

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