KAKAMPI MO ANG BATAS.SYNDICATED, ENGLISH. 10 DECEMBER 2014 RP pressured on Peru climate change delegate LIFE’S INSPIRATIONS: “… The Lord will strike you with… scorching heat and drought... The sky over your head will be bronze, the ground beneath you iron… The Lord will turn the rain of your country into dust and powder; it will come down from the skies until you are destroyed…” (Deuteronomy 28:22-24, the Holy Bible). -ooo- RICH COUNTRIES & TRADERS DO NOT CARE ABOUT CLIMATE CHANGE: If there is any proof that rich countries and other vested interest groups are not about to act decisively on combatting global warming and climate change by reducing their carbon emissions as doing so would jeopardize their economies and business interests, the on-going United Nations Climate Change Summit in Lima, Peru, ironically constitutes the proverbial smoking gun. While the summit---and all other summits or conferences or conventions that have been held by UN in the past---aimed to institute concrete measures to combat global warming and climate change, it is clear that nothing, yet again, will ever be finalized in Lima, symbolizing the failure of all such previous summits, conferences, and conventions to come up with concrete programs, even if billions of dollars have already been spent just to stage them. Why am I saying this? Well, the UN failed to compel the Philippines to send to the Lima summit Climate Change Commissioner Naderev Sano. Sano has become the world’s poster boy of more decisive climate change programs, after he cried unabashedly in a speech he delivered at the UN summit in Warsaw last year, calling for more concrete action to prevent a repetition of the death and destruction caused by Typhoon Haiyan in Central Philippines. -ooo- RP PRESSURED ON CLIMATE CHANGE DELEGATE: Reports are saying that the Philippines was pressured not to send Sano to the Lima summit. A Yahoo! News dispatch said: “… `We have heard that there are external pressures to drop him from the delegation because of his strong stance in the negotiations,’ said Meena Rahman of the Third World Network, a non-governmental development organization.” The same Yahoo! News report said: “Sano, who was appointed a Philippines climate change commissioner in 2010, said he wanted to be at the negotiating table for his country and for developing nations this year.” Then, that report concluded:“…`(Sano) is a model conscience for the world, showing us that so little is being done, particularly by the developed world, in terms of ambitious emissions reduction targets, finance on the table or technology transfer,’ Rahman said at the talks. `He would have been a powerful voice… showing that developing countries are facing the consequences of climate change now’…” -ooo- UN CONVENTIONS ON CLIMATE CHANGE USELESS: For whatever it is worth, I have always voiced out the concern that UN talks and similar dialogues or conventions by other organizations worldwide are useless exercises. And this is not only because the rich nations and businessmen benefitting from activities that make global warming and climate change worse as minutes pass by will not just give in, since this would also mean giving up their wealth. There is a more fundamental reason for this failure of the talks to thoroughly and effectively address global warming and climate change, and it is their failure or refusal to acknowledge that this environmental degradation has a spiritual angle found in the Bible. Global warming and climate change have in fact been prophesied to happen, as a result of certain situations. While I concede that many things have to be carried out to fight global warming, the world must pay attention likewise to what the Bible is saying insofar as what has caused this weather malady, and then pursue, side by side with all other climate change programs, what the Bible said are the twin solutions. Unless we read the Bible first, nothing is going to happen in the fight against global warming! -ooo- REACTIONS? Please call me at 0917 984 24 68, 0918 574 0193, 0922 833 43 96. Email: batasmauricio@yahoo, melaniolazomauriciojr@outlook, mmauriciojr111@gmail.
Posted on: Wed, 10 Dec 2014 01:58:55 +0000

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