KAKAMPI MO ANG BATAS.SYNDICATED, ENGLISH. 16 JANUARY 2014 PNoy gov’t: another failed regime LIFE’S INSPIRATIONS: “… whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant, and whoever wants to be first must be slave of all…” (Jesus Christ, our God and Savior, in Mark 10:43-44, the Holy Bible). -ooo- PNOY GOV’T, ANOTHER FAILED REGIME: If the Aquino government failed to address corruption in its four years in office as the perception among business executives is that it increased all the more despite its “righteous path” program, what makes it think that it can still do something now that it has barely two years? Truth to tell, the second Aquino presidency is another failed regime, when it comes to curbing or eliminating corruption, among others. -ooo- CORRUPTION AS AN ISSUE OF SPIRITUALITY: Corruption is not a political issue. It is not also an economic issue. It is an issue of spirituality. A nation whose people no longer listen to God because they no longer read the Bible, and who no longer obey His commands, will be run by men and women who will not fear stealing from government money, who will not shirk abuses of power, who will not care about the welfare of the people. -ooo- CORRUPTION AN ISSUE FOR ALL PEOPLE: And corruption is not an issue pertaining only to politicians and government officials. It is an issue more properly pertaining to the whole nation. When the people are themselves corrupt owing to their low or lack of spirituality or when they lack fear and love of God either out of deliberate intent or pure ignorance, they turn out to be corrupt likewise when they are eventually elected or appointed to government positions. -ooo- CORRUPT OFFICIALS PENALTY FOR CORRUPT PEOPLE: When people are not paying attention to what the Bible says as to who should be installed as officers in government, then even those who do not deserve to be in government for one reason or another will get a chance to be elected or appointed. Having rouge, corrupt, inexperienced, ungodly, and incompetent leaders seems to be the penalty that people who choose their leaders outside of the norms the Bible teaches will receive. -ooo- GODLY AND SPIRITUAL LEADERS: So, what does the Bible say about godly and spiritual leaders? First of all, in Genesis 41:38, a godly or spiritual leader is one who has the Spirit of God in him. What does “having the spirit of God” mean? It means that the leader knows God’s commands from the Scriptures, thinks about them day and night, and obeys them carefully all the time. This leader will surely not be corrupt and plunderous. -ooo- MEN WHO FEAR GOD: In Exodus 18:21, godly and spiritual leaders are described as “men who fear God and hate dishonest gain”. What does this mean? It means that the leader knows that God is an awesome God who can kill not only the body but also the soul, by throwing it in the lake of eternal fire. It means also that the leader obeys God’s commands against helping himself to money not intended for him. -ooo- A LEADER IS SERVANT OF ALL: In Mark 10:43-44 of the Bible, Jesus Christ, our God and Savior, is telling us that the leader must first of all be the slave or servant of all. What does this mean? It means that the leader does not aspire to lead because he wants to benefit himself or his family. This leader knows that his leadership is intended to give service to all his constituents. This leader comes to serve, not to be served. -ooo- IS THERE A GODLY AND SPIRITUAL LEADER IN GOV’T? Gauged against these Biblical principles on who the godly and spiritual leader is, can we say that there is an official of the Aquino government who is godly and spiritual and who can therefore still stem the tide of corruption and plunder? If we look at the responses of business executives who were surveyed by a reputable firm, we can safely say that nobody can fit the bill as a godly and spiritual leader. -ooo- ANOTHER FAILED REGIME: hat being the case, it is safe to assume that the second Aquino presidency will go down in history as another regime that miserably failed to do anything about corruption, and a regime where, despite its pretense to righteous governance, actually went the other way around. This is highly unfortunate, because it merely squandered the hopes of many a Filipino for a really good and honest administration. -ooo- REACTIONS? Please call me at 0917 984 24 68, 0918 574 0193, 0922 833 43 96. Email: melaniolazomauriciojr@outlook, batasmauricio@yahoo and mmauriciojr111@gmail.
Posted on: Thu, 16 Jan 2014 01:09:04 +0000

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