KAKAMPI MO ANG BATAS.SYNDICATED, ENGLISH. 27 AUGUST 2013 PNoy is biggest loser in Luneta LIFE’S INSPIRATIONS: “… men of depraved minds, who, as far as the faith is concerned, are rejected… will not get very far because… their folly will be clear to everyone…” (2 Timothy 3:8-9, the Holy Bible). -ooo- LUNETA AUG. 26, 2013, REAL “PEOPLE POWER”: So, how should we look at the August 26, 2013 Luneta “gathering”? Was it a “success” or a “failure”? Certainly, to President Aquino and Malacanang who tried very hard to prevent its occurrence, the “gathering” was a failure because it failed to entice one million people to come and join calls for the abolition of pork barrel. To those who joined it, or to those who called for it through the Internet, it was on the other hand a success, because, as a major newspaper said the day after, the “gathering” was a “first” along important lines: it was the first largest gathering of protesting people since Aquino was elected in 2010; it was the first protest organized through the Internet; and it was the first protest without a leader. As far as I am concerned, the Luneta gathering was successful in that it showed what real and honest-to-goodness “people power” is all about. Unlike the so-called EDSA 1 and 2 “people power” revolutions, where men and women were mobilized by vested interest groups for purely personal objectives (to save people from being killed or liquidated, to oust incumbent leaders), that gathering was intended to benefit the country as a whole, with calls for the abolition of the corrupt pork barrel system. -ooo- FILIPINOS FLEX MUSCLE AT LUNETA: In that regard, lawmakers and Malacanang must both be warned: even if those who went to Luneta did not total one million, Filipinos have shown that they are now ready to make public denunciations of graft and corruption, to express their indignation about what they perceive to be evil, and, if the need arises, to act by themselves to remedy the situation. If the Luneta gathering on August 26, 2013 showed anything, it is that Filipinos are now waking up to the reality that if they want real good governance, if they want graft and corruption to end, if they want wayward officials to stop their evil ways, they must act by themselves, not needing the help of any political leader or any high government official. Whereas before, “people power” could be mobilized only by well-known political personalities, the situation has dramatically changed and turned around 360 degrees now---Filipinos no longer need leaders to compel them into action, because, as Luneta August 26, 2013 has shown, they could mobilize and gather by themselves and demand change. -ooo- PNOY IS BIGGEST LOSER IN LUNETA: If you ask me, I believe that President Benigno Aquino III and his political allies were the biggest losers from the August 26, 2013 Luneta gathering. This is due to the fact that they were roundly ignored in their direct and indirect appeals and actions to make the people desist from joining the event. What is clear here is that, the President seems to have lost the firm grip and hold he once had on Filipinos who belong to the middle class---the class who thinks and has the capacity to act for the entire Filipino citizenry, and the class who supported him in his bid for the presidency in 2010 and who have been supporting him up to now. The fact that the Luneta gathering pushed through despite his false announcement of the pork barrel being abolished last Friday, August 23, 2013, and despite feverish attempts of his spokesmen Edwin Lacierda and Abigail Valte to malign the gathering by their Internet postings, shows beyond doubt that his prime supporters are no longer disposed, like they used to do, to simply believe what he has been saying. -ooo- REACTIONS? Please call me at 0917 98 24 68, 0918 574 01 93, 092 833 43 96. Email: batasmauricio@yahoo, mmauriciojr111@gmail.
Posted on: Mon, 26 Aug 2013 23:46:30 +0000

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