KAPULULANGU ELDERS URGENTLY NEED MARLPA (Companions) & QUICKLY Imagine living in an ancient red-dust desert with a small group of Aboriginal Women Elders who are among the Australia’s last First Peoples to have grown up in the desert. These Elders were trained in the Law of the Tjukurrpa (Universal Life Force) before they had first contact with the distorting impact of a foreign society. Couple this with a solid grounding in down-to-Earth everyday living – where the everyday is sacred, and the sacred is every day. And you’ve got Kapululangu! The Kapululangu Aboriginal Women’s Law and Culture Centre is located in one of Australia’s most remote Aboriginal communities on the northern edge of Western Australia’s Great Sandy Desert. Join us and you will live on a Women’s Law (ceremonial) Ground We are looking for some wonderful women who can join us as volunteer Marlpa (Companions) to our Elders as soon as possible. We’re looking for someone to start next week if possible! And want to hear from anyone who would like to join us in August – or any time during the remainder of the year. Or in fact, even next year if you like to plan that far ahead. Don’t be fooled! It is hard work. The Marlpa tasks include cooking, cleaning (general housework), assisting with showering and toileting (including incontinence), and driving the Elders shopping, visiting their families, and going hunting, on picnics, and connecting with Country. All of our Elders experience various degrees of dementia, two needs assistance to walk, and two are blind. In caring for our Elders you get to live with six very wonderful Women Elders with whom you will build strong relationships. All are highly respected Senior Law Women, and Tjarrtjurra (Traditional Women Healers). One of them is the most powerful Law Woman in the east-Kimberley, and another is an extremely powerful Song Woman. Both are world renowned contemporary artists. While you spend time contemplating one of the world’s most beautiful deserts, you’ll get to experience Aboriginal culture up-close in a way that will have you exploring your own culture. In this you will be supported by Nobel Peace Prize Nominee. Dr Zohl de Ishtar who has lived with the Elders for 15 years, and before that with Indigenous Peoples globally (mainly the Pacific) for 20 years. That means that you don’t have to start at the beginning and won’t have to “do it” by yourself. Above all you will know that you are making a very real difference to Aboriginal people’s lives in the desert – because, guess what… that’s exactly what you will be doing. Kapululangu depends on the generosity of the women who are drawn to come and give Service to our Elders. Our Marlpa (Companion) volunteers make it possible for our Elders to keep living in their Country. Our Marlpa are the practical edge of Kapululangu’s commitment to enable our Elders to “live in Country and (where possible) to die in Country”. And for that we are eternally grateful. If you would like to join us as a Marlpa at any time please email us at kwc.vols@gmail and we’ll get straight back to you. So if you have a month (minimum) or longer to spend with us and think that living with us is the adventure you’d like to have then we invite you to connect up. Remember, our Elders are human and are already frail so don’t wait too long before you get here. If you are an at-the-drop-of-a-hat sort of woman we’re particularly looking for someone (or more someones) who can get on a plane and fly here on 9 July from Kununurra (WA) .. or as soon as possible ... in July (2014) and/or in August. Remember to email us at kwc.vols@gmail Sending desert winds for your wings. You can learn more about Kapululangu Womens Law and Culture Centre at kapululangu.org To assist the Elders please Share and re-Share, Like and re-Like, and Network our call as far as you can.
Posted on: Tue, 01 Jul 2014 11:19:52 +0000

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