KARMA – IMMUNITY OF THE COSMOS Immunity and Well-Being The - TopicsExpress


KARMA – IMMUNITY OF THE COSMOS Immunity and Well-Being The defence of the vital capacities is the main task of the escon. Organisms that do not have enough protection cannot survive. The main part of resources of an escon and of physiology to a certain degree serves the protection of vital activity. The physiological mechanisms of immunity are driven by the escon. That is why you have to understand by “immunity” not the specialised aspects of the escon and of physiology (even if these exist) but the readiness to organise its defence and its capacity to do so. Immunity protects a person not only from diseases but also from getting into different dangerous situations. The aromorphosis (evolutionary changes) of the escon is at the same time the evolution of its immunity. At an intelligent level of evolution the spectrum of protective functions sharply increases. Life in an intelligent society requires protection in all spheres of activity: material, intellectual, spiritual. The competition between people and their societies is, among other things, a competition between their immunities. The mind, in the perspective of defence, can be considered as a subsystem of immunity, but the subconscious remains the biggest concentration of immunity. As stated above, the soul can subconsciously look into the future to know about situations that it will experience, at whatever distance. As the informational basis of the subconscious is immeasurably higher than the informational basis of the conscious, it usually knows about future dangers and is able to protect the organism from many of them. A human with a good immunity: — will not take forms of transport that will have an accident; he will not even buy tickets for it; — will not take an elevator that will get stuck or crash; — will not be at a cross roads, when a car goes though against the traffic lights; — will not stay with people who are capable of transmitting a disease or who have bad intentions; — will not put money in a bank that will go bankrupt; — will not conclude a contract that will result in a loss; — will not step on a rake in thick grass; etc. At the same time he is not conscious of the immunity’s influence; he considers that he takes every step under his conscious will. It seems that random circumstances avoid catastrophes. These circumstances very often look like coincidences or annoying misunderstandings at first sight, and sometimes they appear as phenomena of a mystic character. People call the capacity to feel a coming danger and to unconsciously avoid it “intuition”. In a certain way, intuition is precisely one of the manifestations of the immunity. Immunity is usually able to manage even the danger that is already real. The escon of the organism keeps a huge stock of experience of life capacity’s defence that has been accumulated over many millions of years. Immunity has enough resources to overcome any infection that is known and to preserve life capacity in extreme conditions. Yogis demonstrate the capacity of immunity to protect life capacity of their organisms from fire, from sharp objects, from the lack of food, water and air. The escon has a rich experience of interactions at field level: the protection from energy informational parasites of different level (energy informational viruses), and from the negative influence of other escons. Immunity is a guardian of the well-being. Escons of people and of their societies are controlled by escons of super organisms and in the end, by the highest among them – God the Almighty. Accordingly, the immunity of a human depends on God. Hence, the efficient achievement of long term well-being is impossible without understanding the dependence of immunity from God. Immunity of the Cosmos Analogically to organisms, super organisms are able to a certain degree to defend their life capacity, i.e. they possess immunity. The highest among the super organisms - the Cosmos - has the most powerful immunity system. All field and physiological resources of subordinate super organisms and organisms are its components. Therefore, immunity systems of super organisms and organisms are elements of the immunity of the Cosmos. The organization of immunity of the Cosmos as well as the organization of all its activity is governed by God. The quality of life of the Cosmos as a super organism depends on the observance of the Norms of Conscious Existence by organisms and super organisms. That is the reason why God controls the observance of these norms. A young mind does not only ignore the Norms of Conscious Existence but even the fact the super organisms exist. Someone with an ignorant mind unavoidably ignores the Norms, and that has numerous pathologies as a consequence. In contrast to the escon of a multicellular organism that tends to organise the destruction of pathological cells, God tends to eliminate the underlying reason of pathological behaviour. Foraclevercreaturethereasonresidesinignorance. God accelerates the deliverance from ignorance by creating dependence between well-being and the following of the Norms of Conscious Existence. In order to guarantee this dependence, God brings the state of immunity in direct conformity with the observance of the Norms of Conscious Existence. The immunity of a human gets weakened to the degree to which he moves away from the Norms of Conscious Existence and is restored to the degree to which he approximates them. That is how the quantity of misfortunes depends on the observance of the Norms. This method is analogical to an old and simple means used by trainers and educators of all worlds, all people and all times: encouragement for the right actions and punishment for the bad ones. The nature of the escon of any organism - whatever the location of the escon is (at any point in the Universe) – is to learn through feelings. We can only be surprised how big the possibilities need to be in order to control every intelligent creature, every super organism, and also every society. We have to take into account that possibilities of control of the situation continually increase with the progress of evolution. The Cosmos is the organism of the highest evolutionary state. His soul – God the Almighty - has the highest level of control of all that exists. Similarly to the way in which the escon of a human body controls, with a certain degree of success, the state of each cell of an organism, God controls the state of each cell of the Cosmos of every being. It happens very often in life that it is much easier to gain access to some goods through an immoral act rather than through the observance of the Norms of Conscious Existence. Many immature souls are not able to resist this temptation. Their joy does not last long because adequate punishment from high above is the objective reality. A soul that is mature has the experience of a big number of intelligent incarnations; therefore, it intuitively understands that finally there is nothing to be gained in obtaining goods in a criminal way. The phenomenon of omnipresent adequate recompense of acts has been known by people since long ago as concept of “karma”. The immunity of the Cosmos is ensured by karma. The master of karma – of Supreme Justice - is God the Almighty. Karma – the Supreme Justice When a human does not observe the Norms of Conscious Existence, God: • weakens his immunity in a way that allows the adequate punishment to take place. Some of the direct manifestations of the decrease of immunity are diseases. The protection from dangers of any kind gets weakened. • motivates the lawbreaker through his subconscious to commit acts that promote adequate punishment. For example, a lawbreaker commits acts that lead him to misfortunes; he himself creates his own unhappiness. When people say: “When God punishes, he first deprives people of their mind”, they imply precisely that kind of situation. • motivates people or animals that cross the path of a lawbreaker to commit acts that imply an adequate punishment. The bad returns to the one who initially generated it through people and animals coming from outside; • creates situations that are dangerous for the guilty person. Adequate punishment is achieved through many different forms; natural catastrophes can be among them. The reason (non observance of the Norms of Conscious Existence) and the consequence (adequate punishment) are often different in their nature and separated in time. It is thus not always easy to see their interconnection. Observation is made more difficult by the fact that the delay in occurrence of the retribution (which is unavoidable) is different for different people and situations. Some receive their punishment in the short term and others in the long term, sometimes in the next life. For example, the fact of belonging to powerful super organisms of a parasitic nature that do not form part of the hierarchy of the Cosmos can protect from karma during a whole life. People who are members of those organisms are selfish, low-down and cruel. They violate the Norms of Conscious Existence and are not disturbed by karma for a long time, sometimes until their last days. The power of God over that person is restored during the death agony or after death. This is due to the fact that the field society of a parasitic super organism gives up the guardianship of the soul devoted to it at the moment of death of the physical body. Reincarnation is led by a super organism of a higher level which belongs to the hierarchy of the Cosmos and, as a consequence, is subordinate to God. The massive retribution for those people often starts during the death agony (which is usually long) and it continues later for the soul. The soul remains until the next reincarnation in a special time-spatial continuum – the hell. The real hell is very different from the one that was described by religious dreamers. The soul consciously suffers for the evil committed by it. The intense suffering that is experienced is aggravated by the consciousness of the fact that it is impossible to do anything to mitigate it, even temporarily. It is impossible to avoid or to run away from the punishment - no slyness and no art of communication can be used - which makes the learning quite effective. After detention in hell the soul gets the possibility to be incarnated but the life which it is given will be difficult. The soul has to prove that the acquired capacity of discerning the limits of the permitted is internalized solidly enough. If the soul does not realise during its terrestrial life that the misfortunes falling on it are not random but a retribution for the violation of the Norms, it becomes embittered and the trend towards degradation is consolidated. In that case, the evolutionary level decreases with each incarnation. Given the strong trend of degradation, the next place of reincarnation for a human being changes from a highly civilized environment to a wild tribe, located somewhere in remote places that are far from the civilized world. The following incarnation can occur in the body of an anthropoid ape (the incarnation in species that are absent from the Earth happens in other worlds), and so on, descending the evolutionary levels. Those who consciously serve the strengths of the darkness have another fate. They stay practically forever under the guardianship of their parasitic egregor. Souls that consciously serve the strengths of darkness become their eternal slaves; they lose freedom and independence forever. They have to work constantly and hard; they are subject to implicit obedience to the orders of the lords of darkness. These souls degrade unavoidably, unlike the souls subject to God. Demons and evil spirits fall into this category. The next step of degradation is the one of semi-conscious infernal creatures. Given normal development, every life in the intelligent state increases the stock of life experience in the soul. Adequate reward and punishment provide the quality of the experience. When the quantity and quality of the soul’s experience reach a critical point, the functional capacities of the mind make a qualitative leap. The mind becomes able to systematise and carry out a sensorial analysis of the accumulated life experience. An adequate reaction of the soul to the dependence of the well-being on its behaviour leads to a correction of the subconscious logic – the logic of feelings. An increase in integrity is the result of that correction. During intelligent incarnations the mind accumulates a stock of life experience and unavoidably tends to the awareness of norms of being what provides in a most efficient way the long term well being of the soul. This mind starts to understand the complexity of the universe where humans occupy a place that is far from being the highest. The quantity of incarnations of humans varies within a very wide range. For humans with a strong experience of intelligent incarnations the Norms of Conscious Existence are perceived as natural, because they correspond to their general experience in past incarnations. Experience of their souls is usually enough to intuitively feel the objective reality of phenomena such as God, soul and karma. Mechanisms of adequate reward and punishment may not seem humane enough. Numerous examples can easily be found where great misfortunes fell on people who were apparently innocent. But all and the best courts of the planet taken together are not able to approximate to the adequacy and objectiveness inherent in Supreme Justice. The fairness of His Justice is above any human justice at the level at which the Mind of the Almighty is higher than everything.
Posted on: Fri, 14 Jun 2013 13:33:36 +0000

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