KARNATAK UNIVERSITY, DHARWAD EXAMINATION SECTION No. KU/Exam/GAD/2013/ 129 Date: 01-10-2013 : TIME-TABLE : B.COM. Ist, IIIrd & Vth (OLD SYLLABUS) SEMESTER EXAMINATIONS OF OCTOBER/ NOVEMBER – 2013. Candidates for the above examinations are requested to be present at the fixed places fifteen minutes before the time fixed for conduct of the first paper and ten minutes before the time fixed for conduct of each subsequent paper. They are forbidden to take any books or notes or papers or mobiles into the Examination Hall. They can answer the paper(s) either in Kannada or English Language only. The written examination will be conducted in the following order Date B.Com. Ist Semester (9 a.m. to 12 Noon) B.Com. IIIrd Semester (9 a.m. to 12 Noon) B.Com. Vth Semester (2 p.m. to 5 p.m.) 24/10/2013 Basic English (A-01) -- Principles of Financial Management (E-21) 25/10/2013 -- Corporate Accounting (C-21) Human Resource Management(E-41) OR Entrepreneurship Development (Vocational Paper – I E) (E-43) 26/10/2013 MIL: Kannada(A-02), Marati (A-03), Hindi(A-06), Urdu (A-07), Business Kannada (A-15) CL: Sanskrit (A-04), Prakrit (A-05), Persian (A-08), Arabic (A-09) MEL: French (A-10), German (A-11), Russian (A-12), Addl. English (A-13) -- Principles & Practice of Auditing (E-51) 28/10/2013 -- 1. Business Statistics - I (C-31) OR 2. Commercial Arithmetic (C-32) 1. Indian Economy (E-61) (Vocational Paper 2E) Or 2. Tax Procedure & Practice (E-67) Or 3. Advertising, Sales Promotion & Sales Management (E-62) 29/10/2013 Financial Accounting P-I (A-21) -- Computer Applications in Business – IV (E-76) Contd..2.:: 2 :: Date B.Com. Ist Semester (Old) (9 a.m. to 12 Noon) B.Com. IIIrd Semester (9 a.m. to 12 Noon) B.Com. Vth Semester (2 p.m. to 5 p.m.) 30/10/2013 -- Monetary Economics (C-41) Or Entrepreneurship Development (ED-1C) (C-43) Advanced Financial Accounting (E-89) 31/10/2013 Secretarial Practice (A-31) Or Business Mathematics (A-32) Entrepreneurship Development (A-42) ( Voc – 1A) -- Optional Groups: Cost Accounting & Income tax Group: Cost Accounting P-I (E-81) Banking & Insurance Group: Banking P-I (E-84) Advanced Business Statistics Group: Advanced Business Statistics P-I (E-87) 05/11/2013 -- Accounting Theory (C-51) Optional Groups: Cost Accounting & Income tax Group: Income Tax P-I (E-82) Banking & Insurance Group: Insurance P – I (E-85) Advanced Business Statistics Group: Advanced Business Statistics P – II (E-88) 06/11/2013 Managerial Economics-I (A-41) OR Vocational Paper – 2A Adv. & Sales Management (A-62) Tax Procedure & Practice (A-67) Computer Applications in Business – II (C-76) (2 p.m. to 5 p.m.) -- 07/11/2013 Principles of Marketing (A-61) Principles & Practice of Management (C-71) (2 p.m. to 5 p.m.) -- Contd..3:: 3 :: Date B.Com. Ist Semester (Old) (9 a.m. to 12 Noon) B.Com. IIIrd Semester
Posted on: Fri, 04 Oct 2013 05:53:57 +0000

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