KASHMIR READER NEWSPAPER Tuesday,02 Sept 2014 The Development - TopicsExpress


KASHMIR READER NEWSPAPER Tuesday,02 Sept 2014 The Development Hoax By Mohammad Farooq Wani The work related to ‘development’ in the government offices is going at a snail’s pace and no one bothers to hold these offices or officials working there, accountable or answerable for doing nothing. The higher-ups or the ministers concerned have slept over the files meant for development while the common man continues to be the worst sufferer in this unfortunate part of the world. Claims and assurances by the Chief minister Omar Abdullah, to provide and maintain a transparent, corruption free or hassle free administration, are contrary to what is happening on the ground. To assert my point, let’s talk about the condition of our roads which is worsening with every passing day as incessant traffic jams on most consume most of the precious time of students, employees, businessmen and everyone. To be more precise, let’s take the example of the much talked about flyover being constructed from Jahangir Chowk to Rambagh. Without any hesitance, anyone can say that the pace with which it is being constructed clearly indicates that a decade more is need to finish work on it. And the inconvenience it is causing to general masses is much more than the relief this structure will bring to the commuters once the work is completed. For the time being, if you are driving a car or traveling in a public transport, you are bound to get stuck in traffic on the diversion made available to us. One may argue that a traffic jam is not that worrisome a problem but have you ever thought the consequences of reaching late to an office or any place of work. Every day, a government official or a person working in a private institution has to explain the reasons for being late. Most of the times they have to face the rant of their officers or at worst, may be placed under suspension. Many salesmen are shown the door for this very reason. On the contrary, in Jammu’s Bikram Chowk a mega flyover is also being constructed connecting the Bye-pass Jammu via Gandhi Nagar. One can only praise the planners and the executioners of Jammu region who work day in and day out on this project and without messing the traffic management on the busy Airport road. Similar mechanism should have been put to place here as well before executing work on the flyover, but that is not the case. The engineers and the planners in Kashmir lack understanding while planning such projects and ultimately creating chaos and confusion that we are witness to, every day. Primarily, the government should have widened the existing road by dismantling the structures, earmarked along the route, in advance. This would have created enough space to allow smooth movement of traffic on this busy road. But for reasons known to the authorities only, such things are always neglected here and important projects are taken up without proper planning and strategy. Similarly, the work on widening of Srinagar-Jammu Highway is another glaring example of mismanagement and ill-planning. While the work on constructing a four-lane roadway started in 2011 simultaneously from both Jammu and the Kashmir sides, the Udhampur to Jammu road is almost complete and open to traffic while Srinagar to Qazigund phase of the highway not even 10 percent near completion. One can easily, understand the difference between the work culture in the two regions. Projecting issues, like disputes over acquiring or prices of land at many places or objections raised by the forest department for allowing construction, seem to be mere excuses exposing the inefficiency of the authorities. From the politicians to the bureaucrats, the system surely is ailing in the Valley. There is an utmost need to put things right; we need to make the delinquents accountable for their inaction to set an example and deterrent for others who prefer not to work. The duty does not end with the mere digging of roads and leaving these unattended for years. Before executing any project, a strategy has to be put in practice so that people don’t suffer. There is a dire need to bring a change in the work culture here as corruption and favoritism is eating its vitals. We need to streamline the system which is only possible once officers, responsible for the mess, are made accountable and brought to book. The dereliction while discharging their duties should be recorded in the annual performance reports of dishonest and inefficient officials to make them understand the importance of public issues and development. –The author can be reached at hdn.wani@rediffmail
Posted on: Tue, 02 Sep 2014 12:56:01 +0000

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