*KATNISS POV* When I wake up, I’m snuggled as close to Peeta - TopicsExpress


*KATNISS POV* When I wake up, I’m snuggled as close to Peeta as I can get with my arms wrapped around him and head rested on his chest. I’ve missed his reassuring warmth and now I have it again, I don’t intend to let it go now for a very long time. Since he’s still sleeping himself, chest rising and falling with easy and deep breaths, I don’t think he’ll be leaving for a while. We’ll be leaving for our Honeymoon today as soon as we’re dressed and ready. I had never heard about honeymoons before until Effie flipped out and spent the afternoon educating us both on what they were and why they were important. I tried to point out that all families in Twelve never had honeymoons and their marriages still last, but she wouldn’t listen and so we had to choose a destination before she chose for us. It’s based in District Seven, but away from the villages although they’re quite close. Going off of the brochures, there’s many different cabins set out in the heavier part of the forests and we happened to get one of the best, one based by a stream where the bears would often go fishing. Effie got a dreamy look on her face when I told her about the bears, so I didn’t tell her that if Seven was my home before the rebellion, I’d be hunting them for food. I don’t have to do that anymore. All I need to go hunting for when it comes to food is the cheese buns Peeta leaves hidden around the house for me to search out. Peeta mumbles now and stirs a little, tightening his own arms around me more and sighing into the hair on my head, absolutely relaxed. At least, I thought he was asleep, but than his hands around my waist drift to my stomach and I soon let out a squeal as he starts to tickle me. “Peeta!” I practically scream as he pins me down, laughing as I do while I try to throw him off. “I’ll hit you!” “Is that a threat or are you saying you lose control of your body when it comes to tickling?” It’s a little bit of both, but I’m to out of breathe now to say anything and focus on squirming until he finally lets me go and I fall off the bed. “Ugh,” I pull back onto my knees. “Was that necessary?” He holds out his hand and I let him pull me back onto the bed. “Sorry. I didn’t mean for you to fall off.” “But you did mean to tickle me and that’s a serious offence.” He lets out a fake gasp and makes his voice go high and squeaky as we lay back down. “What will you do to me, officer Katniss?” “It’s Officer Mellark to you, young sir and I don’t know. Maybe you can clean the house from top to bottom while I have nana naps and go to spas.” We both start laughing and soon we’re elbowing each other, making the already wrinkled bedding worse than before. “I don’t want to get up,” I sigh when we finally stop. “You don’t have to. I’ll make us some breakfast in bed so you can stay here.” “Here’s what, you make the breakfast and I’ll pack our things, okay?” “Okay. I love you.” “I love you, too.” We exchange a long kiss before Peeta stands up from the bed and heads out the door, down the hall and stairs until I hear him start banging around in the kitchen. A glance at the clock reveals it to be seven-thirty. My mum, along with the nightgown, left a whole bag of clothing for me after I packed it myself. Packing for me mostly consists of cramming as much as I can into a bag, not worrying about folding anything. I eventually locate the bag against Peeta’s dresser and open it to find my mum had gone through and repacked everything neat and tidy. I feel bad for wrecking her good work. Peeta and I, as is tradition according to Haymitch, are to take the same suitcase and share it between us whenever we go away. That was his wedding gift to us, one of the only ones we had time to open since he practically hurled it in my face and took off because he got to emotional. I felt like crying too, partly because a wheel of it stabbed me in the eye and also because it felt special knowing he had put a great deal of thought into what to get us. Haymitch really does care. I wish that wasn’t such a shocking revelation for me. “Peeta!” I call out before jogging down the hall and leaning over the stair’s banister. “Did you have anything pre-packed? I’m moving everything to the bag Haymitch got us.” “It’s under the bed!” he calls back and I jog back to the room, get down onto my stomach and look under the bed. Unlike with my room, there’s no dust underneath his bed so I know he goes underneath there regularly to move stuff or something. His bag, a black one like mine, isn’t that hard to find and I pull it out quickly, not wanting to invade on Peeta’s personal stuff. My eyes fall on a diary (it’s obviously one since there’s, “diary” written on the front), but I turn away before temptation takes hold. If he wants me to see it, he’ll show me. The bag Haymitch got us is a dark green colour which is complement ed by a soft orange thread that weaves through it in the pattern of a forest with trees and other foliage. Obviously specially made, I make a mental note to keep an eye out for something to give to him as a thank you present. It’s really truly lovely and not to mention, it’s massive in size, perfect to hold all our stuff in. I get dressed in a purple blouse with a black skirt that flares out just above my knees before transferring all my stuff to the new bag, smiling when I see how my clothing seems to match his, all dark colours with the occasional light shade. Even our clothes look good together. I make a mental note to get my mum a gift as well since she went through the trouble of getting a massive bag full of toiletries for the trip, even though it’ll only be one week. I rifle through it now, making a mental list of what she’s packed. Hairbrush, hair ties, comb, hair pins, toothbrush, tooth paste, deodorant, perfume, make-up, bandaids, pads for if my unreliable period hits and, I start laughing at this, condoms. Good try mother, but they are not needed at the moment. I’ll show Peeta later when we reach our destination. He’ll get a laugh. Since I don’t know what toiletries he wants to take and where to find them, I pull on a pair of boots that go to the top of my ankle. Though only small, they make me look classy and classiness is a look I’ve grown to love over the past year. Maybe I’m finally starting to grow out of the tomboy stage. “Mmm what are you cooking?” I ask as I lope into the kitchen, arms folded behind my back. He’s stirring a pot over the stove with a look of concentration while I see a loaf of freshly made bread rising in the oven. He looks up when I walk in and smiles. “Don’t you look lovely!” I twirl around for him, laughing a little. “It’s our honeymoon. I dress to impress.” “And you pulled it off. Are you all packed?” “Yes and you mostly are too except for the shoes and toiletries. I wasn’t sure where to find anything or what you wanted to take.” “Can you stir this for me? I’ll go get dressed now and find everything so we can leave straight after breakfast.” “Of course.” I somehow managed not to burn the familiar smelling liquid over the stove which turned out to be rose and vanilla combined with milk. I had watched fascinated as Peeta cut of the heel of the new bread and poured the combination through the fluffy bread so the whole thing began to soak into it. “You said last night how much you loved it and I promised I’d make it for us. I’m not totally sure if this is the recipe they used, but this was the only way I could think of making it.” I have come to the conclusion that Peeta is a cooking prodigy. We’re now at the train station, waiting for our train to arrive and ship us away. It’s a two day travel, but I’m not complaining. Trains have always fascinated me and I want to travel on it without knowing I’m either going to my death or to war. People congratulate us as they walk passed and soon it’s us standing as the train pulls into the station, letting of a whoosh of steam that strangely reminds me of my father. “Ready?” Peeta nudges me and smiles. Looping my arm in his, I pull him towards the train. “Ready.” ~ Clove-anna
Posted on: Wed, 16 Jul 2014 11:28:27 +0000

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