KEEP IN MIND, THIS IS MY FACEBOOK PAGE AND MY OPINION. IF YOU DONT AGREE JUST KEEP SCROLLING PAST IT WITHOUT LEAVING A COMMENT. I AM NOT DEBATING IT WITH YOU. YOU CAN POST YOUR COMMENTS ON YOUR PAGE. I got this from a friend in a small West Texas town and I think it’s worth your consideration. ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ The Republican county chairman here sent this to me. I think there is a very real chance that Wendy Davis can win the Governorship unless we wake up and realize its a threat. She is totally anti Second Amendment rights, and as on the city council in Ft. Worth fought to destroy gun shows and gun rights. At the VERY LEAST make sure you and your family votes. I was at a coffee where there were several college students from around Texas that were telling us of the massive efforts being put forth on campus. Give aways, parties, it seems like there is no end to what they are receiving for their vote. Yes, there is a massive effort going on in Texas and people do need to wake up The Democrats think, what most Texans would consider the unbelievable, that they can elect the radical liberal Wendy Davis as Governor of Texas in 2014!!! Why do they think that? Heres why! 1.Governor Perry won his election by 650,000 votes; only 38% of the population voted; only 25% of Blacks and Hispanics voted. 2. and to often do not turn out in large numbers because they think they cant lose. 3. Republican Red … to Democrat Blue … in just three years!!! Check out his resume here:270strategies/who-we-are/jeremy-bird 1 (Rolling Stone magazine recognized him on its 2012 “Hot List,” calling him “the Obama campaign’s secret weapon” with “a massive army of staff and grassroots volunteers for which Romney has no answer.”) 4. Mr. Bird is now targeting Texas as his next conquest and has $10 million as an initial war chest to accomplish this task. 5. He started his Texas campaign in January 2013. He paid community organizers in all major cities in Texas with an objective to register 650,000 new voters by Nov. 2014. (Will they all be U.S. citizens with a right to vote?) 6. Since January 2013 those organizers have been hiring and training people to put in place thousands of Deputy Registrars. These Deputies WILL register at least 650,000 (probably more) new voters in Texas. 7. How? They do it by hard work... visiting all minority churches, food banks, welfare offices, and local minority events, to register new voters. 8. In addition to registering them, they will get their addresses, phone numbers, and email addresses. They then establish block captains who ensure those on their streets will get out and vote. 9. They believe this will not only increase the number of registered minorities, but will also increase substantially the number of minorities who will actually vote. THEY DID IT IN COLORADO AND VIRGINIA and they are confident by Nov. 2014 election they will be able to increase the Democratic vote by over 1 million. AND,based on the historical low Republican voting turnout, they believe they will get a liberal Democrat elected as Texas Governor!!! In addition it will increase significantly the number of liberal Democrats elected at every level. This can eliminate the majority the Republicans now hold in both the House and Senate and change the way local communities operate and now thrive. Does that threat get your attention? I hope so! They are quietly turning up the heat and slowly “cooking the Texas frog while we are not paying attention! Texas is truly in serious jeopardy… and the Texas example is important to all of America! PLEASE, PLEASE, pass this on to every TEXAN you know and encourage EVERYONE to vote Nov. 2nd! WAKE UP TEXANS! GET INVOLVED LOCALLY! HELP GET OUT THE VOTE! Or we all will suffer!
Posted on: Sun, 13 Apr 2014 19:47:23 +0000

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