KEEP OFF MERU POLITICS, MUNYA NOW TELLS RUTO After following a - TopicsExpress


KEEP OFF MERU POLITICS, MUNYA NOW TELLS RUTO After following a link on this story that appeared on Daily Nation, I was shocked by the opinion of many Kenyans concerning Munyas style of doing things. Here are some comments from people who are not even from Meru County: ace2012 • 12 hours ago Mr ex-governor, your own people celebrated on the streets of Meru when you were kicked out of office. May be you are the problem? Ever thought of that? Your short stint as a governor exposed your greed for power trappings. Many a people have complained about your convoy which was almost presidential in that part of the country! Your policies did not amuse a lot of people too. Try and campaign with your CV as governor for a year and see if people would vote you back to the Governors seat. Stop whining like a cry baby and blaming imaginary enemies! latino • 14 hours ago Munya! oh Munya... your mouth is too fast! Thats not leadership.period pilgrimage • 20 hours ago What i love about politicians is that they have long necks ; they see far. Wewe DP kuja Meru mara nyingi uwezvyo. tomyebei • a day ago Mr Munya, once you find yourself in the hole, kindly stop digging. Victor_MKENYA • a day ago Munya can see that he is on his way home after giving some people a hard time, remember demonstrations where 2 were shot, I dont think these people will elect him back. on blaming Ruto, thats so lame they r not competing with him so I dont see why he should be worried RicochetN • a day ago people who cannot take responsibility find excuse by blaming others. Baharia • a day ago face of despair after losing opportunity to eat tax payers money Josphat Karimi • a day ago DIg your own grave....Munya...forget that seat.. kipunpungit • a day ago Mr. Munya should fight his own battles and stop deviating the attention by blaming others. Ruto is the DP and so is free to visit any part of Kenya. Kenya has not been divided according to parties and the JUBILEE government is the government of the whole of Kenya. Haron Muriuki • a day ago Cant Munya just do a very simple thing, keep quiet? Roshantos • a day ago But I thought you won the election and if so, why fear re-run. Don waste too much money with appeals rather go to the ballot. President and his deputy can go to any part of the country coz they represent all Kenyans. OlePasiany • a day ago The pain of losing a seat is clear from your eyes. They say Hivyo ndio kunaendanga Bundi Mweusi • a day ago Deviating the attention of the electorate in the county from the issue at hand, creating sympathy... these are classic, on-script moves by a cornered politician Kanja • a day ago Laughable. When you are in, he was your darling, now you are out, he is your enemy.........Swallow the bitter bullet Boss THOSE ARE THE OPINIONS OF KENYANS CONCERNING OUR IMMEDIATE FORMER GOVERNOR. WHATS YOUR TAKE ON MUNYA?
Posted on: Wed, 19 Mar 2014 07:04:41 +0000

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