KEEP YOUR FEET WARM AND AVOID GETTING THE FLUE! Both the southern and northern hemispheres are currently going through seasonal changes with unstable temperatures. In South Africa, we have started to feel the warmth of spring and many people are starting to change into their cooler “summer” cloths and shoes. In Europe, it is time to be more cautious of falling temperatures. A body temperature needs to be stable at 37°C (98.6°F). This is very important so that body is able to make sure that any pathogens (viruses/germs) do not “take over” and create a “home” in the tissue fluids of our body. It does not take much to lower our temperature to 36°C or less, resulting in a “chill” in the body! The quickest means to lower the body temperature is to wear shoes or sandals that do not protect the feet from the cold. Once a chill has entered the body, most pathogens will survive. The body’s natural defense system will attempt to kill off the pathogens by increasing the temperature to above 37°C (considered a fever). Our modern medical society, however, believes that it is important to “kill” this fever with medicine. This merely allows the pathogens to survive and these will now create an infection that requires further antibiotics to treat - a vicious circle! Apart from reflexes corresponding with our organs, the feet also have many acupuncture points connecting with our organs and their functions through 12 paired meridians. On the soles of the feet, we have an acupuncture point connected to the Kidney Meridian. This meridian passes up the medial section of the legs, through the groin, the small intestine and solar plexus, as well as our lungs. When we experience cold feet, most people will cross their arms over their diagram section (where you find your solar plexus), and feel the need to urinate, confirming that the kidneys are under stress. In the TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) concept, the kidneys and bladder controls circulation, the endocrine system, the heart and small intestine. Having cold feet will therefore indirectly have an effect on the temperature of the circulation and heart. In our brain, the pituitary and hypothalamus glands control our core temperature. The reflexes for these glands are found in the big toes where the Liver Meridian is also located. The Liver Meridian helps to regulate our temperature and again cold feet will indirectly affect body temperature regulation. Enjoy the seasonal changes, but please do not blame temperature changes for your ill health! Keep your feet warm and your body will do the rest.
Posted on: Mon, 08 Sep 2014 15:20:59 +0000

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