KEEPING YOUR EYES OPEN FOR GODWINKS “My parents, Tom and Sue, - TopicsExpress


KEEPING YOUR EYES OPEN FOR GODWINKS “My parents, Tom and Sue, were TRAVELING one weekend THROUGH west TEXAS, near my dads hometown of Littlefield. It had been a while since hed gone through town, so they decided to drive by some of the old familiar places so my dad could REMINISCE. My dad decided he would like to DRIVE BY THE HOUSE where he spent most of his childhood years prior to moving away as a teenager. Driving slowly through the neighborhood, he noticed A CAR FOLLOWING directly behind him. After about 3 blocks, he pulled to the side and motioned the car to go past. As the car pulled beside him, A YOUNG MAN rolled his passenger window down and motioned my father to do the same. The man asked if my parents were lost as he NOTICED their OUT OF STATE car TAG. My father said he was from Littlefield originally and was just reminiscing, and told the young man he had been raised in a little house back a block or two. Heres the godwink: The young man said, I WAS RAISED IN THAT HOUSE, too. My parents still own it. Would you like to go there and see the house as it is today? My father could hardly believe it. Of course, he jumped at the chance to go inside his childhood home...a small act of kindness from a stranger was my dads God Wink story! Lorinda •••• As you go on YOUR journeys today, perhaps you’ll have a godwink or two, such like Lorinda’s Dad. They are usually there ... we just need to recognize them when they happen. Wishes for winks SQ
Posted on: Fri, 05 Sep 2014 19:50:01 +0000

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