KENYA VOTED NUMBER ONE IN THE MOST UGLY PEOPLE IN AFRICA . Women from the Kikuyu community have small legs, totally no figures, and a little exaggerated heads. They lack good behinds and those who have them look like inflated balloons. They are shaped like pyramids turned upside down. A big upper frame and an almost invisible lower bit. Luo men on the other side have distorted facial features..say big lips and huge noses or should we call them knobs. Kikuyu men are also un proportional, and most of them are stunted. They walk leaning forward. Plus they have long rusty teeth. Those from Kisii Districts are small people, the average Kenyan man will stop growing at 5m tops. Kisii men have mango shaped heads, and bowed legs, a feature also common in their Luhya counterparts He goes on to describe Kalenjins as Funny little pitch black emaciated fellows, raking in millions from the track. However long they remain in Europe , their features never improve Nandis will have rounded foreheads and thin, long arms While occupants at the coast province are said to have Wide faces, almost like a widescreen telly, especially taitas, and durumas Luhyas are the most weird creatures on earth. Men have very big noses and big lips while their partners have big funny looking hips and legs like those of animals. Kenyans do not know the meaning of good grooming, The writer says. The women hate their dark skins and opt for mercury bleaches which mess them up. The result: A scary (unpigmented) light face, black legs, and a black back.As much as the Kenyan accent, of standard English is admired, too much mother tongue interference, common in Merus, Kisiis, and Kikuyus.
Posted on: Mon, 01 Sep 2014 19:33:20 +0000

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