KENYAN LEADERS, STICK TOGETHER, STAND TOGETHER, OR YOU WILL SURELY FALL TOGETHER! The quality of leaders and leadership of Nairobi is once again on the scales. It is very easy for people to take sides on every happening as they see fitting. We discuss and have what sides we favor ranging from local football to international football, from what local comedians or musicians to international once. However, leaders are leaders for their ability to make balanced decisions and for an extra quality that enables the to ride the wave where others would drown. Leaders lead and unite, they do not divide. Where Misunderstooding is detected, they work together and image stronger not weaker. This is why I am of the opinion that the Nairobi women representative Hon Shebesh, would image stronger protecting the dignity of Nairobi governor Hon Kidero. If this two leaders continue tiring each other in public and dividing Nairobians as they are doing, both their dignity is going very fast down the drains. The situation is even worse to those leaders, whether political or religious, who see this family of Nairobi leaders breaking in silence. I do not support what happened just like I believe none of the involved leaders do. I also will not take sides for that will only blow the issues out of proposing. Yet I believe Nairobi is in a position where losing any of the leaders will be a lose for the whole country. I am proud and believe in both leaders and their ability to add quality for this Nation is great on both accounts. We are again faced with a decision that will bring out the quality of both leaders. Opportunists will and have rushed to milk their twisted victory out of this situation as they normally do, after all that is why they exist. My question is, will Hon Shebesh stand out as exceptional leader by putting Nation balanced before personal emotions? Will Hon Kidero, humble himself, seek forgiveness lead by becoming a shining example of upholding women dignity? Will sound leaders in Nairobi, help this two leaders reconcile? or they will continue proving their pathetic by hiding behind their self righteous attitudes? We need our leaders working together. We need them learning better ways of working and communicating together. Kenya is at the crossroads, we are at a position where we need to pull together as a Nation to face enemy of prejudice, that is greater than personal egos or sympathetic emotion charged crusade, that in the long run will prove nothing but a political theatrical with only media benefiting. I will not and I refuse to take sides but call on great leaders of our Land of Kenya, to help this two leaders reconcile. I pray and believe that my leaders Hon Shebesh is more wiser to forgive and even become greater. I honestly believe my leader Hon Kidero, is a person of integrity and will lead men to learn how to work with strong willed women leaders in our country of Kenya. More importantly I truly believe the leaders we have at the moment in out country, are God sent. That is to say they need each other as we sure need everyone of them, exactly wherever each is elected. May sanity and wisdom prevail to make Kenyan winners in the long run. Kenya we are on a very good road, that is why evil forces will work overtime to see that, the dream that is stable and progressive Kenya is aborted. Kenyan leaders should stick together, stand together or they surely will fall together!
Posted on: Sun, 08 Sep 2013 22:58:30 +0000

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