KEYS OF ALIGNING WITH THE SPIRITUAL AUTHORITY ON EARTH. 1. Make an official confession to that authority. Words like this; I receive you (mention the name) as the authority send by Lord Jesus Christ to lead me to my destiny. Matthew 10:40. He that receiveth you receiveth me, and he that receiveth me receiveth him that sent me. That confession is recorded in heaven, copy given to angels of your security, copy to demons which attack you, so that they attack at their own peril. Peter confessed Jesus Christ as the messiah of God and by that confession he was counted righteous. Ruth confessed her voluntary submission to Naomi and by that confession she received a husband of the royal family of Judah. (Ruth 1:16,17) 2. Pray for that authority. Your constant prayer for it, keeps you in phase with the progressive revelation of the leader. Notice your leader is in a spiritual journey, if you only depend on the revelation you received initially, you will be left behind in the spiritual walk. Its not wrong to pray; I confess God as my creator and father, I confess Jesus Christ as my savior and Lord, I confess Holy Spirit as the only spirit that will rule and lead my life and I confess my leader (name him) as the leader send to me by The Lord Jesus Christ. This keeps you in spiritual phase. 3. Prove your faith to that authority thru giving your finances. Giving out of faith not out of obligation. Notice we give to an anointing in a person not organization. Abraham our father gave to Melchizedek not an organization. Its not bad to give to an organization, but your most precious seed must go to the authority. We give out of faith, that is, an obedience to divine authority, not out of obligation. If it is out of obligation, it is not of faith thus not of grace and we dont receive grace out of it. Note, one of the most powerful weapon to release grace in your life is giving, out of faith, to the authority that disciples us. 4. Serve that authority as unto Christ not as unto man. Service is the master key to blessing. Its the acid test of humility. Humility is not spoken but acted. He who serves an authority qualifies for the anointing in that authority. Jesus Christ said, Matthew 10:42 KJV And whosoever shall give to drink unto one of these little ones a cup of cold water only in the name of a disciple, verily I say unto you, he shall in no wise lose his reward. 5. Keep you communication with your leader. Every relationship dies with lack of communication. Make sure theres father-son/ father-daughter talk occasionally. Every relationship is individual and personal, though we operate cooperatively. Keep your line of communication clear and active. When communication dies, tension build, offense comes easily and misunderstanding is inevitable. Soon the relationship dies out. (Tomorrow am handling the marks of a true man of God). Copyright. John Munyasya Kimanzi Transformation Information Center A ministry of RHEMA fellowship International July 2014.
Posted on: Fri, 25 Jul 2014 06:41:40 +0000

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