KHALEDA-ZIAS-HARAM FAMILY & DELWAR HOSSAIN SAYEDI free FROM DEATH-SENTENCES: LIFE-IMPRISONMENT TURNED OUT FROM AS THE CASE READS-OUT FROM: 28 February 2013 Last updated at 16:40 GMT Bangladesh war crimes trial: Delwar Hossain Sayeedi to die BUT SAVED POLITICAL MANIPULATION AS ASUMED !!! The BBCs Anbarasan Ethirajan: Protesters erupted with joy at the verdict: Bangladesh Islamist chief guilty, Three killed in Bangladesh clashes, Cleric found guilty of war crimes! A tribunal in Bangladesh has sentenced Islamist leader Delwar Hossain Sayeedi to death for crimes committed during the countrys 1971 war of independence. The Jamaat-e-Islami chief was found guilty of charges including murder, torture and rape. He is the most senior figure convicted so far. The verdict was cheered by his opponents but set off protests in which at least 30 people were killed. Critics said the charges were politically motivated. Lawyers for Sayeedi say they plan to appeal in the Supreme Court. The Jamaat-e-Islami party rejects the tribunal and staged a strike on Thursday in protest. After the verdict was announced it called a further two-day stoppage for Sunday and Monday. Thousands of police have been deployed in Dhaka to maintain security. As well as the 30 killed, at least 300 people were injured in clashes between police and Jamaat supporters across the country, police told the Reuters news agency. Jamaat was opposed to Bangladeshi independence but denies any role in war crimes committed by pro-Pakistan militias. Official estimates say more than three million people were killed in the war. Angry demonstrations: Security was tight around the capital, Dhaka, as the judgement was being read out. On hearing the verdict, protesters gathered at a busy intersection in the city erupted into cheers. Weve been waiting for this day for the last four decades, one man told local television, the Agence France-Presse news agency reports. Thousands had staged a protest in the capital on Wednesday, demanding the death sentence be handed down to him. Recent weeks have seen a series of angry demonstrations demanding the execution of Jamaat leaders being tried by the tribunal. But there have also been protests against the court. The verdict is the third issued by the controversial tribunal, which is trying a total of nine Jamaat leaders and two members of the Bangladesh Nationalist Party. Sayeedi was accused of working with the al-Badr group during the independence struggle and carrying out numerous atrocities, including forcibly converting Hindus to Islam. His critics say that during the war he formed a small group to loot and seize the property of Bengali Hindus and those who supported independence. The tribunal found Sayeedi guilty of eight out of the 20 charges levelled against him. These were murder, torture, rape and forcibly converting Hindus to Islam. State prosecutor Syed Haider Ali described the verdict as a victory for the people, AFP reports. But in court Mr Sayeedi protested, blaming the judgement on the influence of bloggers and pro-government forces. Earlier this month another Jamaat leader, Abdul Kader Mullah, was sentenced to life for crimes against humanity. Huge crowds have been demanding he be executed. In January, former party leader Abul Kalam Azad was found guilty in absentia of eight charges of crimes against humanity and sentenced to death. In the wake of the public outcry calling for the execution of Abdul Kader Mullah, Bangladeshs parliament earlier this month amended a law which will allow the state to appeal against his life sentence. The special court was set up in 2010 by the current Bangladeshi government to deal with those accused of collaborating with Pakistani forces who attempted to stop East Pakistan (as Bangladesh was then) from becoming an independent country. NB: BD-PROBLEMS ARE ZIA FAMILY WHO KILLED BONGOBONDHU & BONGOBONDHU FAMILY AND 1000S OF FREEDOMS-FIGHTERS by 2 HARAM-PERSON MR. & MRS. ZIA : JUSTICE-not-DONE SO ALLAH-R-GOZOB IS INEVITABLE NO DOUBT the LAST-DROP-of-BLOOD: HASINA/REHANA IS ON THE LIST-OF-ISI/1971-RAZAKARS TO BE KILLED in MAKING of PAKISTAN AGAIN, PLS.-1971-JANATA TAKE CARE OF 2-BONGAKONNAS FOR GOLDEN BENGAL FURTHER NO OPTION IN ALLAH-S-MOHIMA that CAN ONLY HELP if YOU ALL CARE THEMSELVES, amin allah-amin alhajMomin, EU/UN-Journalist & Peace-Observer / Research !!! by looking in our BLOODY-PAIN-1971: !!! youtube/watch?v=eUjSiG08_0k !!! jagobd/btvworld.html !!! KHALEDA-ZIAS-HARAM FAMILY: Khaleda Zia has every reason to consternate when all the major global news network such as Reuters, AP, AFP, etc., are reporting that her youngest son, Arafat Rahman Koko, is in the thick of an extortion operation centered in Dhaka during 2002-2006 when she was the PM of Bangladesh. For better or worse, let me call this investigation the Kokogate. Bangladesh has never experienced anything big like this and trust me, when it will be over, there will be casualties. This investigation has the underpinning of quite a few foreign governments who are very eager to see that the culprits who ran this extortion scheme are taken to task. The two sons of Khaleda Zia get involved in making easy but illegal money because they know very well that as long as their mother is in catbird seat of power in Bangladesh, they could extort money from foreign companies who want to do business in Bangladesh. It will be laughable if I hear that Khaleda Zia was not aware of her sons involvement in all these misadventures. Now she will have to prepare herself to pay the penalty for the sin of her sons. I sometimes wonder if General Zia were alive today, how he was to react to his sons’ follies. The ill-gotten $ 200 million, which was laundered by various financial institutions, is now ensconced in a bank in Singapore. This rumor about Khaleda Zia’s sons depositing millions of bribe money in Singapore bank was circulating in various South Asian websites in the Net for more than a year but when 2 U.S. government agents from Washington DC came to Dhaka to investigate the laundered money, many heads were turning in Dhaka. Also, there is a deafening silence in BNP camps and that includes Khaleda Zia herself. In a just society no crime should ever go unpunished, but then Bangladesh never aspired to have a just society. Even then, a crime committed by Khaleda Zia’s two illiterate sons is not going to go unpunished. I am hoping the wheel of justice would turn finally and the sons of Khaleda Zia and their sidekicks from BNP would rot in jail. This time the authorities should not treat them as VIP. They have committed a serious crime when they thought they were above the law. Now harsh reality is setting in. The take home message is — no one is above the law. There should be learning for Khaleda Zia too. She failed to educate her sons and that was not all. She let loose her boys to control the government and sell favors. Many sidekicks gathered around Khaleda Zia’s boys and we learned that they were all unsavory characters like her sons. Together, they became a crime syndicate of high order. Their profligate lifestyle in Dhaka during Khaleda’s rule was talk-of-the-town. Thus, when Tarek Rahman’s sidekick, Mamun, was arrested in early 2007, it became a very hot topic of conversation both in the media and in drawing rooms. In summary, the revelation that Khaleda Zia’s “smart” businessman son Koko had ensconced a cool sum of $ 200 million in Singapore Bank is making news allover the world. This money was not hard earned, but came as manna from heaven. Thanks to Khaleda Zia for paving the way to heaven for her sons. During her “difficult” reign, dollar bills were literally falling from sky but it was for her two sons and a bunch of cronies. The payback time nears now. Who says – crime pays? Similar to single mothers in Brooklyn, Bronx, and many other cities in America, who found it out that the crime spree of their kids did not last long, Khaleda Zia will also learn the same bitter lesson rather belatedly. Nobody is above the law. Those two notorious and profligate boys of Bangladesh’s ex-PM Khaleda will this time learn a lesson of lifetime. The bread of deceit was sweet to Tarek and Koko; but afterwards their mouths shall be filled with gravel. Need I say more? !!! youtube/watch?v=eUjSiG08_0k !!! bbc/news/world-asia-21611769 !!!
Posted on: Wed, 17 Sep 2014 05:48:16 +0000

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