KID BROTHER DEFENDS CAIR LEADER - This is a very good presentation - TopicsExpress


KID BROTHER DEFENDS CAIR LEADER - This is a very good presentation by Hassan Shiblys kid brother trying to defend Hassan against Megyn Kelly when she interviewed him recently on Fox. The kid Akram is very sweet like his brother, likable and not a nitwit. Im sure this video will have its intended purpose because most Americans are soft-thinkers and are persuaded not by a dispassionate analytic examination of the facts, but more so by a nice brother trying to edit a cutesy video. For the tough-thinkers in the audience this presentation is comical in its content, fallacious in its facts and insidious in its Islam. I do not have time to deconstruct this piece and show how it fails every significant point, but suffice to say, Akram is speaking, either knowingly or unknowingly (I think unknowingly, as he is not well-versed in Islam) NOT about doctrine, but about behavior. This is a constant problem when people critique Islam. I critique the DOCTRINE of Islam and then judge behavior by the doctrine, as this is the proper philosophical and theological manner of interpretation and exegesis. Akran is trying to defend behavior, of his brother, and then illogically conclude that Islam is GOOD, because he loves his nice brother. I suggest you take the time to watch this 12 minute video (though it could have been done in 5 min) and watch how Akram ignores doctrinal issues and deals in a subjective reductio ad absurdum. I have a standing offer to discuss/debate/dialogue these issues with Hassan Shibly but so far he has refused to sit down, face-to-face and engage. Maybe, just maybe, his brother Akram will find the testicular fortitude and contact me, because Allah knows, I am one of Hassans biggest opponents! VERY IMPORTANT - apparently some crazies made comments on the FOX site about harming Hassan Shibly. This is NOT ACCEPTABLE on many levels. We fight with TRUTH, not hatred. https://youtube/watch?v=CSPq3XUD2Tw#t=38
Posted on: Mon, 22 Sep 2014 00:57:44 +0000

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