KIETH RUPERT MURDOCH - MEDIA TYCOON - ZIONIST AGENT OF THE ROTHSCHILDS The following is an excerpt from the article Eric Hufschmid and Rupert Murdoch - Agents of Deception, by Christopher Bollyn THE MURDOCH CONNECTION When the history of our era is written, it will be described as a period of illegal wars of aggression which the public had been woefully deceived into supporting through false-flag terrorism, lies, and the deceptive propaganda of the Rothschild-owned and controlled mass media. Rupert Murdoch, owner of FOX News and News Corporation, will certainly be remembered as one of the most egregious agents of deception. FOX News network, the leading cable news network in the United States, is responsible for having deceived a large segment of the population with its Zionist propaganda machine. Thousands of Americans have lost their lives or been wounded, physically and psychologically, as a result of the pro-war propaganda they were exposed to on FOX News. When Murdoch recently received an award from the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) of the B’nai B’rith (the real Elders of Zion), he looked very thin and unwell. In his speech, Murdoch chose to quote Vladimir Jabotinsky, the Zionist founder of Betar and the Irgun, the notorious terrorist group that has ravaged Palestine since the 1930s. The Likud party, which rules Israel today, was created by Irgun terrorists. Jabotinsky was also the author of “The Iron Wall", which called for a wall of iron to be built between Jews and non-Jews in Palestine, just like the wall built by Ariel Sharon across the Holy Land. The false-flag terror attacks of 9/11 and the war in Afghanistan are two sides of the same criminal deception and Rupert Murdoch has been a key promoter of both. 9/11 was designed to kick-start the war in Afghanistan and the logic of waging the war depends on the success or failure in selling the deception that Al Qaida was responsible for the terror attacks. This is where Murdoch’s FOX News has played a central role in propagandizing the American people. His efforts to push Americans to wage war in the Middle East and Afghanistan are not unlike those of the Soviet propagandist Ilya Ehrenburg of the second World War who urged the Soviet soldiers to slaughter German civilians without mercy. Rupert Murdoch, however, a Rothschild-funded media mogul, reaches many more people. When I read about the Americans who have been killed or wounded in Afghanistan and Iraq, I often see how they have been deceived into going to war thinking they are fighting the terrorists who carried out the 9/11 atrocity. Nothing could be further from the truth, but this is the pack of lies that has been pushed on the American public by the government and media for the past 9 years. The Zionist-controlled media has played the leading role in foisting this deception on the American people and the world, and Rupert Murdoch’s FOX News (and News Corp.) has led the way with its super-aggressive non-stop war mongering. When the question of waging war was being debated prior to the 2003 invasion of Iraq, every one of the editors who worked for Murdoch’s international network of newspapers supported the Zionist war policy. Murdoch’s news outlets are well known for pushing the lies about 9/11 and promoting war policies across the Middle East. Why does Murdoch seek to promote war by controlling the editors of his media network with such strict dictates? Murdoch’s role as the key Zionist propagandist comes from his creation as a media mogul by Jacob Rothschild and his family. The Rothschilds created the Murdoch media empire because they needed to have control of the major media outlets in the United States and Britain. When Murdoch’s son James became CEO of BskyB (Sky) in Britain in 2003, under his father the Chairman of the Board, a new position was made for Jacob Rothschild, the banker, as Vice Chairman. The 4th Baron Rothschild, unofficial head of British Jewry, was not going to let the Murdochs exercise complete control of this most important British propaganda network. Jacob Rothschild, who maintains strong personal and business links with Henry Kissinger, knows Rupert Murdoch well, having been friends since the Australian newspaper proprietor first came to Britain in the 1960s The global Murdoch media empire was created with Rothschild funding and exists to spread Zionist propaganda among the English-speaking populations of the world. Murdoch’s son James is in line to take over at the helm of their media empire although it is quite likely that the empire will not survive very long after Rupert Murdoch passes away. James Murdoch (whose mother is the Estonian Anna Tõrv) is married to Kathryn Anne Hufschmid, the daughter of Edward E. Hufschmid and Helen M. Satterthwaite. Edward Hufschmid is also the father of Eric Hufschmid, the purported author of Painful Questions. -AD
Posted on: Sat, 05 Oct 2013 04:47:35 +0000

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