KILIFI PEOPLE, HERE IS YOUR KILIFI COUNTY CABINET AND THE HOLDERS OF THE CABINET POSITIONS: 1. GOVERNOR AMASON J. KINGI 2. DEPUTY GOVERNOR KENETH M. KAMTO 3. .Mwalimu Katana Menza MINISTER: AGRICULTURE, LIVESTOCK DEVELOPMENT & FISHERIES 4.KIRINGI K. MWACHITU MINISTER: WATER, FORESTRY, ENVIRONMENT & NATURAL RESOURCES 5.RACHAEL MUSYOKI MINISTER: OFFICE OF THE GOVERNOR & PUBLIC SERVICE MANAGEMENT 6. ALPHONCE TOKALI MINISTER: TRADE, INDUSTRIALIZATION, CO-OPERATIVE DEVELOPMENT, TOURISM & WILDLIFE 7.DR. SWABAH AHMED OMAR MINISTER: HEALTH 8.GIDEON EDMUND SABURI MINISTER: PUBLIC WORKS, ROADS & TRANSPORT 9. JOHN MAZURI LANDS, ENERGY, HOUSING & PHYSICAL PLANNING 10.KOMBE JOHN HAROLD MINISTER: FINANCE & ECONOMIC PLANNING 11. CHRISTINE MWAKA PEKESHE MINISTER: INFORMATION, COMMUNICATION & E-GOVERNMENT 12. SALMA MUHIDDHIN AHMED MINISTER: EDUCATION, YOUTH AFFAIRS, CULTURE & SOCIAL SERVICES 13. OWEN Y. BAYA COUNTY SECRETARY (SECRETARY TO THE CABINET) We are setting the Kilifi Peoples Shadow Cabinet. The intention behind this move need to be clearly understood by those in power as many want to see enhanced service delivery to the people of Kilifi County. What troubles many in Kilifi is that our MCAs have totally failed to provide the highly needed oversight role. The shadow cabinet is premised to be more promising in providing oversight and can serve as an alternative for a better Kilifi now and in future. Let suggestions flow on how to move forward then some of us will also register our opinions later.
Posted on: Sat, 04 Oct 2014 06:16:56 +0000

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