KIMBANGUISME IN LIGHT OF Holy Scripture Episode 2 The - TopicsExpress


KIMBANGUISME IN LIGHT OF Holy Scripture Episode 2 The concept significantly around the word HOLY SPIRIT, has often been associated with fluid image, ethereal and elusive, or he was always linked with an appearance hardware, such as a bird in the kind pigeon or dove. The bible which is riddled with secrets, has certainly not explicitly unveiled the aspect of this divinity filled with supreme power for the world. And yet, we will see that the words, simple little words have given us the undisputed evidence that should have convinced a long time, human philosophy. We know, for having been educated by the gospel, that Jesus Christ, the beloved Son of God, who had nothing of an imaginary or ghostly, was indeed a human being provided of flesh and blood. Its mission marked by sacrifice and the weight of the tests was to symbol the survival of humanity. Approaching his return to his princely throne, his recommendations had increased to the people he would have to leave soon: “I will ask the Father to send someone else to help you so that it is always with you: He is the Spirit of truth. The world cannot receive him, because he cannot see or know it. But you know him, for he dwells with you and will be always in you. I will not leave you alone as orphans; I return to you. “(John 14: 16-18). This message is a promise for a continuity of protection which the entire humanity must enjoy. Zooming” therefore, (on the expression) or on the terms particularly edifying, and this, without a shadow of a doubt: Someone other ... remains eternally with you. We agree that these words or expressions do not mean a thing or an animal, but they show us with clarity that the promised successor is undoubtedly a divine being visible and palpable! This comforter came to accomplish as much of wonders (if not more) than its predecessor; it is this other path of truth and of eternal life, trace by God to guide us with love and selflessness. First of heavenly Spirit, SIMON Kimbangu, to become human, was born on September 12, 1887, by the normal cycle that gives life, to incarnate on earth, the Holy Spirit who came to polish and solidify again the contours deeply chipped of our faith, consequences of our unbelief in a third divine person. This transcendence is simply out of reach for the knowledge of man. The clock time set by God, turned patiently its needles, until the day , SIMON Kimbangu saw the Lord Jesus Christ and heard his voice dictate to him its first instructions. After many hesitations, the final choice was experiencing heavy and an array of complications for the black man, KIMBANGU, draped in its utter simplicity and who was elected Saviour of the world by divine will. Scrupulously following the order of events predetermined by God, and to avoid anticipating the hour of his arrest, because he still had to profess, he will take the direction of Mbanza Nsanda where, in a desired retirement, He will not cease to educate those of his race, the black race. There he will be the source from which the nutrient sap flow in streams that feed the mind of his own. Then the impending end of his last and sculptural education to his people, 10 September 1921, is -to- say exactly two days before it is voluntarily prisoner, September 12, 1921. In the silence collected of Mbanza Nsanda, the voice of SIMON Kimbangu arose that morning for an ultimate message, before the crowd amassed around him. This was a stirring speech, penetrating, eradicated, depths of his holiness; a long prophetic enumeration in which he revealed the dark then bright future, of the black people. It is there that was completed the evangelical mission of the first figure of the Holy Spirit, He has several figures because He is and will remain eternal. SIMON Kimbangu whose many spiritual works are beginning in our time, to be truly recognized, and whose name is exhumed little by little of oblivion. During his lifetime, no one has admitted or accepted HIM as being the Holy Spirit. He is with us as a third divine being of the Trinity, and He will remain in us as spirit. His work ninety years (90 years) after has intensified considerably, in spite of all the upheavals that have shaken. SIMON Kimbangu, Special Envoy of Jesus Christ, is this comforter that has the reigns of the destinies of mankind, the Holy Spirit that the world will continue to wait in vain, by persuading to wrong, that it will come in the form of an invisible Spirit. However, He is the fusion of the Holy Spirit and the Holy Spirit. Today He is the power in all its manifestation. In the name of Father, Son and Holy Spirit Amen
Posted on: Thu, 25 Dec 2014 12:32:11 +0000

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