KING JAMES BIBLE I know this will upset many people but Ill - TopicsExpress


KING JAMES BIBLE I know this will upset many people but Ill give my opinions on the truth. Jn 1:1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. Jesus is the word. Heb 13:8 Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever. Heb 13:9 Be not carried about with divers and strange doctrines. For [it is] a good thing that the heart be established with grace; not with meats, which have not profited them that have been occupied therein. Jesus dose not change the word dose not change!!!!!! Remember this as I try to give valid information to prove the King James Version 1611 and also as I tell you most NEW AGE bibles contradict the King James in at least 30,000 places. But not all King James Bibles are authentic will talk about that some other time. Also keep this in the back of your mind the same parent company that publishes the NIV also publishes satanic Bibles, With that being said I would recommend all true students of the Bible to stay away from Zondervan KJV translations for the same reason. Now I am not writing this article to bash New Age Bibles, although they certainly do deserve a good bashing and correcting. But I am simply writing this to validate the King James Version in my opinion of course. ---------------------- The debate as to whether the KJV was reinspired or remains directly inspired can easily be seen in the above verse that tells us Gods word dose not change, Because Jesus dose not change therefore the King James Version has to remain inspired in order for it to be Gods word. I hope to help answer that question better along with give proof of the King James 1611 infallibility, which means that I believe their is no error in the King James Version and it remains perfect. This is a bold claim to some but I have read all the articles that say the KJV contradicts itself and I have cross referenced them with the Bible and found none. Now i in fact believe I can never and will never be able to know everything, but I believe all that is known is written in the Bible, and every question I could ask is answered in the Bible, this is called soula scriptura. Keep in mind when I say Bible I mean strictly the KJV1611. ----------------------- I have heard it said by many alleged scholars that their is no perfect Bible on the earth today and that the only perfect Bible exists in Heaven, Ive spent a great deal of time thinking on this statement and came to the conclusion it makes no sense. If a perfect Bible existed only within Heaven what good would it do us, God gave us answers and he made it so simple a child could understand it. The only logical conclusion is that a perfect and preserved form of Gods word exists today and is on the earth. ----------------- Lets look at what the Bible has to say. Eccl 8:4 Where the word of a king [is, there is] power: and who may say unto him, What doest thou? Many verses within scripture will lead us to the King James Version, but this one is interesting where the word of a king is, there is power King James is the only King to ever sanction the translation of a Bible. King James had a director ancestry back to Davidian Monarchy of Israel and King James had both a Jewish first and last name. Thats interesting because the Bible in Romans CH:3 tells us the oracles are given to the Jew. If this was the only comparison I could make of the KJV to being the true Biblical doctrine I may consider it a coincidence. But it is not, so lets look at some more........ Pss 12:6 The words of the Lord [are] pure words: [as] silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times. Pss 12:7 Thou shalt keep them, O Lord, thou shalt preserve them from this generation for ever. Yet again its interesting that from the original manuscripts to the KJV, we see 7 languages as hint of psalms 12:6 tried by fire 7 times. Here are the 7 languages. Tried by fire 7 times 1.Hebrew 2.Aramaic 3.Greek 4.Old Syriac 5.Old Latin 6.German 7.English --------------------- Another important area of scripture for this discussion is ..... 1Cor 14:27 If any man speak in an [unknown] tongue, [let it be] by two, or at the most [by] three, and [that] by course; and let one interpret. The Bible was originally written in 3 different languages. Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek. It was all interpreted by one into English with the King James Version. See I do not believe God is incapable he knows how to read, write and translate Bibles. But lets look at what else the Bible has to say. ----------------- I do not know how many readers of my posts truly understand Bible prophecy in detail. But the churches in Revelation 3 that are mentioned not only represent the particular churches they discuss, but also the church ages. Now Im going to sum this up by saying the Church in Philadelphia represents the Physical Christian Church from the years 1500-1900, (if anyone has questions about the church ages and what they represent please message me). But its interesting with the church in Philadelphia that the Bible says they KEPT GODS WORD, in verse 3. Yet again remember this represents the state of the Church from 1500 - 1900 which was not only when the Protestant Reformation was really taking root but also we had the translation of the Authorized KJV1611 in those years. ------------------- One fact with the KJV that I personally find startling is that the translation began in 1604 and lasted till 1611. Meaning it took 7 years to translate. Those that understand Bible Numerics know that 7 represents Completeness, rest, and perfection. -------------- Many people do not know the true history of how the King James Version was translated, so Ill briefly go over it. All of the translators were from Westminster, Oxford, and Cambridge After months of prayer when all the committee including King James felt that it was time to begin the translation of the Bible this is a condensed summary of how it went. Each morning when a translator woke up he bathed and put on fresh clothes. Knowing that his soul purpose for the day was to focus on Bible translation. So the particular individual was assigned a certain section of translation of the Bible, each time the translator came to the word God, he would rewash, change clothes and get a fresh pen. Regardless of if he came to the word God 4 or 5 times in the same verse, after the translator completed his assigned area it was presented to a committee headed by King James. If one member within the committee felt that a single word was miss translated than everything was discarded and the translator would start over again from the beginning. ------ People always ask me how can I read a Bible that says thee, thou, and ye etc.... the answer is simple if you truly pay attention to the wording it is beautiful, its poetry are we not suppose to make a joyful noise unto the lord. But the main reason for the style of wording, that you do not see in other translations is that it directly distinguishes between plural and singular. ---------------- Everything I have stated so far, to many they will say is purely chance, I beg the differ but what I will state next is not chance and is fact. There was a group that is called the Alexandrians they took the original ancient manuscripts that were written by the prophets and disciples and reworded certain areas to help them fit their beliefs, and their form of God for political reasons. Now out of the corrupt Alexandrian translations to my knowledge Only 3 are know of today. But these same misused translations became the Greek manuscripts that were used in the translation of the NIV, NLT,ESV. Etc.... Now on the other hand a group of translations called the Antioch existed these were direct translations word for word from the most ancient copies written by the prophets and disciples. These translations after completion were spread out all over Europe, Asia, and Africa. Startlingly enough these Antioch translations were brought back together roughly 100 years later and no changes were seen aside from just names based off the area the translation went, for instance peter may be petro. But aside from name changes nothing else was seen. These were the translations that would become the textus receptus and later be used for the King James Version. In the following verse which is the only time the Alexandrians are really mentioned in scripture we find them disputing with Stephen. Acts 6:9 Then there arose certain of the synagogue, which is called [the synagogue] of the Libertines, and Cyrenians, and Alexandrians, and of them of Cilicia and of Asia, disputing with Stephen. --------------- I want to talk about the principal of the later end, and why I believe the King James Version 1611 is more authentic for us today than than the original manuscripts are, as stated earlier I believe God knows exactly what he is doing and how to work through spirit to translate a Bible. Here are a few verses on the latter end before I explain, what I mean. Deut 8:16 Who fed thee in the wilderness with manna, which thy fathers knew not, that he might humble thee, and that he might prove thee, to do thee good at thy latter end; Deut 32:29 O that they were wise, [that] they understood this, [that] they would consider their latter end! Ruth 3:10 And he said, Blessed [be] thou of the Lord, my daughter: [for] thou hast shewed more kindness in the latter end than at the beginning, inasmuch as thou followedst not young men, whether poor or rich. Job 8:7 Though thy beginning was small, yet thy latter end should greatly increase. Job 42:12 So the Lord blessed the latter end of Job more than his beginning: for he had fourteen thousand sheep, and six thousand camels, and a thousand yoke of oxen, and a thousand she asses. See God knows what he is doing and the latter end I truly believe in my heart as far as Gods word goes is the Authorized King James Version 1611. ------------------------ I believe the Authorized King James Version 1611 is the absolute inspired word of God, however I do not believe that I or anyone else can limit Gods power, we cannot say that God can create the universe and all that exists, but still allow ourselves to say that God cannot work in another Bible, God is all powerful. However I do feel that the Christians that read NEW AGE Bible translations based of Catholic Doctrine from the Alexandrian cult are spiritually weaker Christians. Thats just opinion of course. Pss 100:5 For the Lord [is] good; his mercy [is] everlasting; and his truth [endureth] to all generations. Of course everything I have typed is based off my opinions and my studies, I will gladly comment to any feed back, I hope you enjoy.
Posted on: Wed, 06 Nov 2013 10:36:47 +0000

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