KING TUTANKHAMONS CURSE? - This dumentary prompted me to write the - TopicsExpress


KING TUTANKHAMONS CURSE? - This dumentary prompted me to write the blog below: ENERGY PATTERNS UNDERLYING BOTH SICKENING AND HEALING EFFECTS AT ANY DISTANCE https://youtube/watch?v=gG9nXFy0pPU 1) IS THAT CURSE REAL? - My parents, sister and I visited king Tuts tomb in 1961. The next day, in Alexandria, my mother, who up till then was always very resilient and upbeat, yet the emotionally very sensitive, felt like killing herself, for no apparent reason at all. She appeared to be fine the day after, so we all forgot about it - but she never recovered her previous vitality. Was she too affected by SOMETHING in king Tuts tomb? While hearing about king Tutankh Amon and his tombs curse, EVEN THOUGH AT THE TIME I FIRMLY BELIEVED IN THE WESTERN mainstream MATTER ONLY MATTERS PARADIGM, intuitively I never had ANY doubt that king Tuts curse consisted as much of the ancient Egyptian religious magical protection cast by the priests officiating at kings funeral as in the projections and deeds of those who wished king Tuts suden, premature death at the age of 20. 2) UNDERLYING PHENOMENON: NATURAL ENERGY FIELD AND ITS PATTERNS. - Since 1986 I have learned a lot, by experience and action research, about the energy dynamic which would be involved there. After inheriting some antique items that used to belong to the past three generations of my ancestors I have felt unmistakeable vibes, i.e. energy-info imprints of those ancestors very specific personal characteristics. All info which I got that way was confirmed as accurate by my older living relatives. Such sensing and reading is called psychometry and is being taught nowadays. I use it self-healing and for healing purposes of all kind of other peoples conditions. 3) TRADITIONAL INFLUENCING AT DISTANCE. - In Serbian, Iraqi and Algerian traditions (that I am familiar with) there are unshakable beliefs in evil eye, as well as in powerful energy or hand laying healing tradition. Such beliefs and practices are well and alive or are being resuscitated (e.g. Siberian shamanism, which was heavily suppressed in USSR) all over the globe. In Sydney there are countless energy healers and courses to learn the eternal energy healing art. In some countries though, traditional healers, like Peruvian shamans quereros or curanderos, are tolerated, yet not allowed to visit their own most sacred and energetically most powerful site, Machu Pichu (see my photo album Peru, and all my comments with individual photos), supposedly so that foreign tourists would not think that Peru is a backward country cultivating unscientific shamanic practices. In Australia I heard about powerful Aboriginal healers, and also, from late Burnam Burnam, that two men died within a year after he pointed the bone at them in a traditional Aboriginal revengeful mode. 4) MEDICAL ANTHROPOLOGIST - A. Villoldo, a medical anthropologist and celebrated author from US, spoke at a lecture (which I attended) about about how he, being a firm unbeliever in superstitionslike voodoo, has challenged his friend overseas to get a voodoo practitioner to try to hax Villoldo. He was certain nothing would happen to him, Villoldo was glad it was fully confirmed when he staid well on the specified day. However, a day later he quite suddenly, for no apparent reason, got very sick and could not stop his state from deteriorating very quickly. His mind cracked open by hat, Villoldo rang his friend to make sure his state had nothing to do with the voodoo guy. His friend said that the voodoo practitioner was too busy the day before, so worked on hexing Villoldo exactly when he became sick. Villoldo recovered promptly as his friend told the voodoo practitioner to relieve Villoldo. That experience opened a whole new field of research and revelations for Villoldo and countless readers of his books and students of his Light Accademy (including me) and his tours with South American shamans (see my photo album Peru about my tour with them). 5) REMOTE VIEWING - There are quite a few books about remote viewing and influencing, researched and applied by US intelligence. I highly recommend book Psychic Warrior by an US army ex Major David Morehouse who partook in those experiments and practice, until he figured out hed better use his abilities for healing and went public, which did cost him a lot. 6) MY ACTION RESEARCH - By personal experience and action research since 1986, I discovered a lot about about energy field patterns underlying such phenomena, including both healing and/or sickening influence at distance (ever felt or heard, he/she makes me sick?). Long lasting, utterly debilitating energy or psychic attacks made me learn willy nilly how to take good care of my own energy field and integral health. Now I am grateful for those insights, in spite of all the horrendous experiences which led me to them. 7) REALITY OF CURSES´ AND ENERGY HEALING - On the basis of experiences and learnings summarised above I have NO doubt that it IS possible to exert both sickening and healing influence at distance. You can research it online - there is an abundance of websites, fb groups and adds for a huge variety of energy modalities and contexts in which you can learn about them and apply them. Once you learn about energy healing it becomes available to you and to those you would help any time anywhere, as a natural gift. Depending on the personal situation it can yet does not have to involve money, same as the case of any other service. 8) SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY - Much more knowledge about the above mentioned phenomena would exist in scientific community than is made public since it is being applied in the most advanced technology and military arsenal, as countless web and fb page indicate. Mainstream media is, of course, rather quiet about it. If interested, you can research this field for your REAL wellbeing: In order to understand what you are being influenced by and how to deal with it. 7) HEALING THE CURSES AND THEIR EFFECTS - Having done a lot of distant energy sensing and effective healing of long standing individual and family curses, which are projected ill wishes or negativity (including e.g. by Inquisition, and from ancient Egyptian and other past lives, my won and my patients), I have NO doubt whatsoever about the ENERGY REALITY of powerful curses that CAN last several millennia, and keep inducing REAL, albeit medically not recognized ill states and difficult patterns in peoples lives (as persistent and apparently self-sabotaging patterns). Good news is that ALL such patterns CAN be healed at energy blueprint leve. (see my articles about some of my experiences and case studies on my website trulyhealing. Pls feel free to SHARE this blog by copying it IN ITS ENTIRETY, with my name, date and website address and pasting it or printing it to distribute it. I am posting it on my website and retain the copyright to it. Tiyana Maksimovich-Binno truly Sydney 9-1-2015
Posted on: Fri, 09 Jan 2015 09:05:07 +0000

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